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Well, the Oscars have come and gone. And whether you even cared about them or not, one thing we can all agree on is that the Internet makes events like these enjoyable for everyone. Here are some of the best photos, tweets, and gifs from Oscar night 2013.
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The red carpet is slightly less exciting during rehearsal.
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I can't stop watching this...
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The long haired sound dudes easily won the night. More from these fellas soon...
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Joseph Gordon-Levitt has jumped directly to the top of the best photobombs of Oscar night list.
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This is Jim Carrey at a pre-Oscars event. That is all.
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Helena Bonham Carter must always have to carry whatever the opposite of a hair brush is.
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Can't get enough of these long haired sound dudes.
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Kristin Chenoweth is what would happen if a Kidz Bop CD took human form.
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This year's Best Actress is not the best at walking.
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Renee Zellwegger gets stung in the face by killer bees everyday.
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A beautiful collage of how Leonardo Dicaprio feels every year on Oscar night.
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Show of hands: When Kristen Stewart was on camera, how many of you thought you were accidentally watching The Walking Dead?
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And the Academy Award for Actor Who Most Resembles a Billy Goat on Percocet goes to Joaquin Phoenix.
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Apparently Sandy needs to do some more arm work at the gym.
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16 of 16Next: The Funniest Photos You Will Ever See
They should play Anne Hathaway off with a coo-coo clock.
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