It's important that law enforcement have a way to take somebody down without causing permanent bodily harm. So when the TASER was invented by NASA researcher Jack Cover in 1974, it quickly became a popular non-lethal alternative. And the numbers back it up - officer injuries go way down when they're outfitted with the electric shock devices. Unfortunately, they're still not fun to get zapped by. In this feature, we'll share ten of the craziest TASER videos ever seen by the public.
Meth Kid In Jail Tased
When you're hopped up on illicit substances, sometimes the brutal shock of a TASER is the only thing that will bring you down. We're not sure of the exact provenance of this video, which features an officer from the Chandler Police Department in Chandler, Arizona, but it's a pretty incredible scene - the victim has been up on crystal meth for three days and he's itching for a fight, challenging cops to a no-rules brawl in the prison. Needless to say, the police don't bite, instead giving the crazy meth-head the shock of a lifetime.
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Chewbacca Soldier Tasered - 2008
One thing that's good is making anybody armed with a TASER take a shock from the device, just so they don't employ it lightly. Here's an incredible video from some nameless South American country featuring a buff soldier taking the shock for the first time. The awesome thing is that he basically sounds exactly like Star Wars supporting character Chewbacca when he gets zapped. His comrades-in-arms all seem pretty jovial about the bizarre sound their friend just made. But would you do any better?
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Drunk Driver Zapped
Alcohol can also give you higher resistance to the impact of a TASER, as evidenced in this particularly intense dash-cam video from a pullover somewhere in America. When an obviously impaired driver refuses to take the DWI tests and instead attempts to resist arrest, the officer pulls out his handy little zap gun and pumps some volts through him. One shock isn't enough, though, so the befuddled cop pulls the trigger a few more times before the guy finally calms down enough to be arrested.
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Naked Wizard At Coachella - 2009
Sometimes you feel sympathy for the victim of a Tasing. Other times, you're there to see them get what they deserve. When a chubby ponytailed dude under the influence of too many good vibes threw off his wizard outfit (and why he was wearing that in the first place is a whole 'nother story), the cops tried their level best to reason with him and get him clothed again. After multiple refusals, he made a run for it, only to get zapped by the TASER. His first words after it happened? "This is the most beautiful thing I have ever imagined." Oh-kay, wizard dude.
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Tase Escape - 2012
Often times, the cops will use a TASER because they just don't know what to expect from a suspect. In this footage, a seriously intense Canadian dude is pinned down by the cops, who claim that they're taking him in on an existing warrant. He then launches into an astounding diatribe punctuated by screaming "YAHWEH!" at the top of his lungs. Dude then starts reciting a poem about the cops, to which they bring out the stun gun. And then there's the amazing twist ending, where after he takes the TASER it fills him with superhuman energy, he throws off the cops and makes his escape.
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Wheelchair Tasing - 2007
Some of these Tasings we can totally understand - they're dangerous individuals who can't be subdued any other way. But a guy in a wheelchair? That's dirty pool. When Wendell Hollingsworth showed up in court in Columbus, Ohio on charges of robbing parishioners in a local Catholic church, he rolled in in a wheelchair. For some reason, when the trial started not going his way (because he was guilty) he started violently kicking his own attorney, at which point the bailiffs had to come in and Tase him in his own damn wheelchair.
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Naked Ninja -2012
It certainly seems to us that the most common thing to get Tased for is public nudity. If you've got your ding-dong hanging out, you'd better brace yourself for a shock. In this amazing video shot on the mean streets of Indianapolis, Indiana, a completely naked dude wrecked on synthetic cannabis runs wild, outfoxing several police officers until they bring out the shocker and take his sweaty, disturbing hiney to the pavement. People: these artificial drugs don't do anybody any good. Please stop using them.
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Taser Down By The River - 2010
When a suspect is making his escape, the police don't have many options for bringing them down. This video comes from Clackamas, Oregon, where cops were in hot pursuit of a man suspected of carjacking a vehicle while wearing a Mad Hatter-style hat (they do that kind of thing in Oregon). The dude tried to escape along the banks of the Clackamas River, but had some trouble navigating the uneven rocks and fell into the water. Climbing out gave the police the time they needed to catch up to him, and when he made a move for a weapon in the waistband of his pants, an officer responded with a quick-draw Tasing that left him floored.
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Baseball Tasing - 2011
Police and security often bust out the taser when traditional non-lethal methods stop working. Here's a good example: when a beefy fan gets ejected from a Pittsburgh Pirates game at PNC Park, he tries to slap a worker on his way out. The hired police don't really cotton to that, and when he flips them lip they take batons to his head, with zero effect. Obviously, when you're dealing with someone who can shrug off a blow to the dome with ease, it's time to bust out the TASER. Our only question is why people are chanting "U-S-A?"
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Don't Tase Me, Bro - 2007
Probably the most iconic Tasing of all time, this took place during a John Kerry speech at the University of Florida. Andrew Meyer, a mass communication student, got pissed off that he didn't have the chance to ask Kerry a question and grabbed a stray microphone. After the cops moved in, Kerry, ever the gracious host, asked that they let Meyer speak. This would be a mistake, as the student proceeded to launch into a bizarre tirade about the 2004 election, the Skull & Bones society, and blowjobs. After his mic was cut, police escorted him out, but his continued resistance led to the use of the TASER despite his protesting screams to the contrary.