This week's collection comes courtesy of a bunch of people who don't realize that the C in C-section is short for Caesarean. And just like that, a surgical procedure for delivering babies becomes a portion of the ocean.
I want a sea section with 5 then I want the next 5 to just slide out, I want be like kourtney dash, I wanna pull out my kids
- Hypnotize★ (@winsixo) February 22, 2013
Ahha. Somegirl in family studies says " I'm gunna get a sea section so i don't ruin my vagina " #OMG #LOL
- тempo (@ItsTempo) February 21, 2013
@laleleimind awww close! Sea section scary. Im nervouse but all women do it lol
- Antonette Penny M.(@AntHustle_Love) February 22, 2013
My sister is having a sea section as we speak! Cruz is on the way!
- KittyKatCec (@MissCecilyNS) February 21, 2013
my auntie's having a sea section on the 1st of march omg it will be born on justin bieber's birthday!
- Niall's quiff ye (@JordanDesmond2) February 20, 2013
Stripper on stage with a sea section cut!!
- People's_Champ(@Mario_Money235) February 16, 2013
#StoryBehindMyScar when my mom had a sea section the doctor cut my hand and I had surgery at like 1 minute old
- Sarah Coulter (@sarahcoulterxo) October 30, 2012
im glad im not at pg hosp they wouldve order my meds from craigslist or and gave me a sea section lls
- Corey Cash[TM] (@CoreyCashIsHip) July 7, 2011
#JbSexFact Its easier to turn a woman who's already had a baby on more by licking her sea section scar
- Spoken Reasons (@SpokenReasons) April 12, 2010