It's hard to believe that the hysterical FX series "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" has been on the air for eight seasons, with production of season nine underway. Series co-writer, producer and star Glenn Howerton (Dennis Reynolds) recently tweeted that the new season is "some of the funniest shit [they've] ever done." Looking back, we realized that is no easy feat. So in anticipation for the upcoming season, set to air in September 2013, we've gathered up the best catchphrases and one-liners from the gang and arranged them into the 100 greatest quotes from the show. Check them out and then dive into the comments section to laugh, rejoice and argue with us.
100. [Singing] You gotta pay the troll toll, if you wanna get into that boy's soul. -Frank
99. So you think not eating cat food is putting on airs? -Mac
98. We're trying to give you the Christmas spirit, dickhole! -Sweet Dee
97. Yippie-kay-yay, Mr. Falcon! -Frank
![Mac, it's always sunny in philadelphia]()
96. Charlie, make a move. Just tell her you wanna bang her. -Mac
95. Mac, you have an exceptional number of bugs in your teeth. You're gonna wanna rinse those out. It's disgusting. -Dennis
94. Grain alcohol, baby! Whenever there's a potential riot, I'm getting blasted on grain alcohol. -Mac
93. Okay, Mr. Mayor. Feast your ears on that Spin Doctors mix. -Charlie
92. Dude, do you have a boner right now? -Dennis
91. Name's Artemis. I have a bleached asshole. -Artemis
90. And you know what happens with Tokyo drifting? It leads to bickering. Which, of course, leads to karate. -Mac
89. The acid's makin' me feel like I gotta take a dump. -Frank
88. Dude, I swear to God, if you try and give me a noogie, I will yank your underwear over your head so hard your asshole will rip in half. -Dennis
87. [Holding a calculator] What are you? -Charlie
![dee, it's always sunny in philadelphia]()
86. Any amount of cheese before a date is too much cheese. -Dennis
85. [Reading a note from Charlie] Taked baby. Meet at later bar, night or day sometime. -Sweet Dee
84. Smoke some cigarettes. The smoke will suffocate the bacteria in your stomach. -Mac
83. Yeah, well, you've never once seen me wash my testicles either, but that doesn't mean I don't do it every Friday. -Charlie
82. Animals should be food, rugs and trophies. Why do you think I'm wearing a leather suit? -Frank
81. Goddammit, Jack Bauer. You really are the man. -Dennis
80. Dennis, you don't wanna go anywhere near a court. How many bench warrants for sexual misconduct do you have? Yeah, and Frank, how many unregistered guns are in your car right now? -Sweet Dee
79. Oh, look at me! The millionaire who goes to see doctors! -Charlie
![Dennis, it's always sunny in philadelphia]()
78. I'm just saying, based on that story that you just told me, I'm fairly certain that those Santas were running a train on your mom for money. -Mac
77. Then start breakin' bricks, wet nips! -Liam McPoyle
76. That's Tammy, Trey's ex-girlfriend. This is classic Tammy. Trey broke up with Tammy because Maureen Kinallen said that she saw Tammy flirting with Walt Timby at a party. But she was only doing it to make Trey jealous because, you know, she thought that Trey secretly liked Erin Hannabry. But Trey didn't like Erin Hannabry. It was all a bunch of bull. -Charlie
75. RUM HAM! RUM HAM! I'm sorry rum ham! I'm sorry... -Frank
74. Mac, I'm gonna stop you right there. First of all, your breath smells like an old lady fart passing through an onion. Secondly, I know you're trying to manipulate me, and it's not going to work. Get your hand off my shoulder, because I've got a fatty to burn. -Sweet Dee
73. You're a stone cold fox, Margaret. You're a stone cold fox, and I want you. I gotta have you. I need you. I want you inside me. But you know that, don't you, Margaret? -Dennis
72. Oh, I get it. Cute. You leave this pen here and people are supposed to think, "Wait, that looks like a dick." -Mac
71. Well, I don't know how many years on this Earth I got left. I'm gonna get real weird with it. -Frank
70. Take a look at Rex here. That is a body that just won't quit. And I bet if you pop those pants off, you're gonna find a bird that just won't quit, either. And I think that'll come in handy in this situation. I think the problem here is that your body quit. Your bird quit. And, unfortunately, it's no longer legit. -Mac
69. Here's a confession: I'm in love with a man. What? I'm in love with a man. A man called God. Does that make me gay? Am I gay for God? You betcha! -Charlie
68. Hi. Um, I'm a recovering crackhead. This is my retarded sister that I take care of. I'd like some welfare, please. -Dennis
67. I'm not asking you to do much. Just turn a blind eye while I rob this place stupid. -Sweet Dee
66. How's that ass feel? [slaps Dennis in the ass] -Large Black Man in a Towel
![Charlie, it's always sunny in philadelphia]()
65. Isn't that amazing? You ask to see a woman's breasts on the street, you get slapped. You give her a free t-shirt and videotape it, and the clothes come right off. -Mac
64. [In Boston accent] Ohhh, bet you read a lotta Gordon Wood, huh? You read your Gordon Wood and you regurgitate it from a textbook and you think you're wicked awesome doin' that, and how 'bout 'dem apples? And all that Gordon Wood business. -Charlie
63. You know what, Dee? I don't wanna hear about your dreams, okay? I hate listening to people's dreams. It's like flipping through a stack of old photographs. If I'm not in any of 'em and nobody's having sex, I just- I don't care. -Dennis
62. I mean, does my scar look like a dog's vagina? You know, maybe. I don't know. I'm not gonna sit here and try and get inside the mind of a dog. I mean, that's God's work. Well, not that I believe in God. I don't. Not since that Chinaman stole my kidney. -Rickety Cricket
61. Then, I'll just regress, because I feel I made myself perfectly redundant. -Charlie
60. [Reading Charlie's script] "Hello fellow American. This you should vote me. I leave power. Good. Thank you. Thank you. If you vote me, I'm hot." What? "Taxes. They'll be lower. Son. The democratic vote for me is right thing to do, Philadelphia. So do." -Dennis
![Dennis, it's always sunny in philadelphia]()
59. Do not plug an open wound with trash. -Mac
58. It's fetish-fetish shit! I like to bind. I like to BE bound! -Dennis
57. I'm gonna pinch their dicks with this lobster. -Frank
56. This bar runs on trash, dude. This bar is totally green that way. -Charlie
55. Well, maybe you're a whore, you stupid, ugly, homeless bitch! -Sweet Dee
54. Okay, well, "Charlie work" is like, you know, like basement stuff, cleaning urinals, uh, blood stuff, your basic slimes, your sludges, anything dead or decaying. You know, I'm on it. I'm dealing with it. -Charlie
53. Bruce is not banging any baby dudes! -Sweet Dee
52. Oh, get a job? Just get a job? Why don't I strap on my job helmet and squeeze down into a job cannon and fire off into job land, where jobs grow on jobbies?! -Charlie
51. Wanna go get sweaty in the bathroom? -Frank
50. [Singing] I got the Lord. I got the Lord. I got the good Lord, he's goin' down on me. -Charlie
49. They're actors. They're trying to create an illusion. In the "Lord of the Rings" movie, Ian McKellen plays a wizard. You think he goes home at night and shoots laser beams into his boyfriend's asshole? I don't think so, dude. Tom Cruise is a midget, alright,
but he plays guys that are normal size in movies. -Mac
48. What is this word, spa? I feel like you're starting to a say a word and you're not finishing it. Are you trying to say spaghetti? Are you taking me for a spaghetti day? -Charlie
47. I'm not fat. I'm cultivating mass. -Fat Mac
46. Your mom doesn't know dick! She's a dumb, fat cow. And your sister, she's a stupid little shit-mouthed bitch, isn't she? -Sweet Dee
45. [Speaking like a radio host] TWO wars?! We're in the midst of two wars all at once--Now the United States of America is engaged in both of these wars? -Dennis
44. Roxy, God bless you. You were a good whore. You serviced me like no other whore ever did. Not only my crank, but my heart. And...I'm gonna miss ya. Amen. -Frank
43. You should have seen how passionate he got when I showed him the dick flyer. -Charlie
42. It involves pulling up our bootstraps, oiling up a couple of asses and doing a little plowing of our own. Pow!...Not gay sex. -Mac
41. Cat in the wall, eh?! Okay, now you're talking my language. -Charlie
40. I don't appreciate being paraphrased. Now, I choose my words very deliberately. -Mac
39. We're gonna get all in your face and point out your faults. -Sweet Dee
38. [Vietnamese music playing] This music sounds like whales raping each other. -Mac
37. Well, that's gonna be a problem; I laser. It's like a turtle's shell down there. -Dennis
36. Oh, shit. Look at that door, dude. See that door right there? The one marked "pirate?" You think a pirate
lives in there? -Charlie
35. Fight Milk! The first alcoholic dairy based protein drink for bodyguards! -Mac
34. Later, boners. -Sweet Dee
33. I'm a...full-on rapist, you know? Uh, Africans, dyslexics, children, that sort of thing. -Charlie
32. Bite my bird. -Mac
31. Who am I supposed to vote for? Am I supposed to vote for the Democrat who's gonna blast me in the ass or the Republican who's blasting my ass? -Dennis
30. Paddy's shotgun, bro. You get blasted in the mouth! -Mac
29. I eat stickers all the time, dude! -Charlie
28. I'm not gonna be buried in a grave. When I'm dead, just throw me in the trash. -Frank
27. Later, dudes. S you in your A's, don't wear a C and J all over your B's. -Charlie
26. I hear the guy hangs dong and I'm very interested in seeing that. -Sweet Dee
![it's always sunny in philadelphia]()
24. If you're in my room, you're always being filmed. -Dennis
23. See, I've always got an A, B and C strike plan to get us out of any potentially life-threatening situation. -Mac
22. 'Cause if the girl said "no," then the answer obviously is "no." But the thing is, is she's not gonna say "no." She would never say "no," because of the implication. -Dennis
21. Oh, you're definitely gonna end up doing gay porn with this tiny little body of yours. -Sweet Dee
20. I got my Magnum condoms; I got my wad of hundreds. I'm ready to plow. -Frank
19. Can I stop you, though? You keep using this word "jabroni."'s awesome! -Charlie
18. Everybody's dying, bitch. -Mac
17. Okay, listen. Listen, you remember that night at Dooley's pool party? On that fine summer eve, when I did that double jackknife twist and blew everybody's tits off. You remember that? And then I went down on Chrissy Orlando on the trampoline later that night? -Dennis
16. [Singing] I'm gonna rise up. I'm gonna kick a little ass. Gonna kick some ass in the U.S.A. Gonna climb a mountain. Gonna sew a flag. Gonna fly on an eagle. I'm gonna kick some butt. I'm gonna
drive a big truck. I'm gonna rule this world. I'm gonna kick some ass. I'm gonna rise up. I'm gonna kick a little ass. ROCK, FLAG AND EAGLE! -Charlie
15. Flush that turd down the drain! -Frank
14. I browned out that evening. -Mac
13. See you later, Dirt Grub and Ronnie the Rat. Hope you suck each other's rotten peckers until you get mouth cancer. -Sweet Dee
12. Boys are out tonight, huh? -Dennis
11. I will SMASH your face into a- into a jelly! -Charlie
10. So come on, you ol' son of a gun, and let Buster do a line off your boner. -Buster the Jockey
9. Oh, you unzipped me! It's all coming back! It's all coming back; I hate you! It's all coming back, you understand?! I DON'T LIKE IT! I DON'T LIKE TO THINK ABOUT IT! -Frank
8. [Singing] Dayman, fighter of the Nightman, champion of the sun, you're a master of karate and friendship for everyone. Dayman! -Charlie and Dennis
7. I will eat your babies, bitch! -Sweet Dee
6. I shoulda popped my shirt off. Goddammit, really shoulda popped that shirt off. -Dennis
5. Wildcard, bitches! Yee-haw! -Charlie
4. Yeah, we both got punked, Frank. We both got punked. These kids these days, I'll tell you what, they're nothing like we used to be back when we were in fraternities. They have no respect for anybody. Okay? They're like-they're like stupid little goddamn savages. I mean, I came in there, right, and I was polite and I was nice to them. I was cordial. And the
y completely goddamn disrespected me, little IDIOTS! IDIOTS! I was completely respectful. They're supposed to be my brothers, right? They're my brothers? Nooo, no. That's not fun. What they were doing wasn't fun. They kept zapping us, and zapping us! IDIOTS! SAVAGES! IDIOTS! IDIOTS! -Dennis
3. Dennis, if I was looking for safe, I wouldn't be sticking my dick through a wall. -Frank
2. Is your cat making TOO MUCH NOISE ALL THE TIME? -Charlie
1. Hey-o! What's up, bitches! -Mac![It's always sunny in philadelphia]()
100. [Singing] You gotta pay the troll toll, if you wanna get into that boy's soul. -Frank
99. So you think not eating cat food is putting on airs? -Mac
98. We're trying to give you the Christmas spirit, dickhole! -Sweet Dee
97. Yippie-kay-yay, Mr. Falcon! -Frank

96. Charlie, make a move. Just tell her you wanna bang her. -Mac
95. Mac, you have an exceptional number of bugs in your teeth. You're gonna wanna rinse those out. It's disgusting. -Dennis
94. Grain alcohol, baby! Whenever there's a potential riot, I'm getting blasted on grain alcohol. -Mac
93. Okay, Mr. Mayor. Feast your ears on that Spin Doctors mix. -Charlie
92. Dude, do you have a boner right now? -Dennis
91. Name's Artemis. I have a bleached asshole. -Artemis
90. And you know what happens with Tokyo drifting? It leads to bickering. Which, of course, leads to karate. -Mac
89. The acid's makin' me feel like I gotta take a dump. -Frank
88. Dude, I swear to God, if you try and give me a noogie, I will yank your underwear over your head so hard your asshole will rip in half. -Dennis
87. [Holding a calculator] What are you? -Charlie

86. Any amount of cheese before a date is too much cheese. -Dennis
85. [Reading a note from Charlie] Taked baby. Meet at later bar, night or day sometime. -Sweet Dee
84. Smoke some cigarettes. The smoke will suffocate the bacteria in your stomach. -Mac
83. Yeah, well, you've never once seen me wash my testicles either, but that doesn't mean I don't do it every Friday. -Charlie
82. Animals should be food, rugs and trophies. Why do you think I'm wearing a leather suit? -Frank
81. Goddammit, Jack Bauer. You really are the man. -Dennis
80. Dennis, you don't wanna go anywhere near a court. How many bench warrants for sexual misconduct do you have? Yeah, and Frank, how many unregistered guns are in your car right now? -Sweet Dee
79. Oh, look at me! The millionaire who goes to see doctors! -Charlie

78. I'm just saying, based on that story that you just told me, I'm fairly certain that those Santas were running a train on your mom for money. -Mac
77. Then start breakin' bricks, wet nips! -Liam McPoyle
76. That's Tammy, Trey's ex-girlfriend. This is classic Tammy. Trey broke up with Tammy because Maureen Kinallen said that she saw Tammy flirting with Walt Timby at a party. But she was only doing it to make Trey jealous because, you know, she thought that Trey secretly liked Erin Hannabry. But Trey didn't like Erin Hannabry. It was all a bunch of bull. -Charlie
75. RUM HAM! RUM HAM! I'm sorry rum ham! I'm sorry... -Frank
74. Mac, I'm gonna stop you right there. First of all, your breath smells like an old lady fart passing through an onion. Secondly, I know you're trying to manipulate me, and it's not going to work. Get your hand off my shoulder, because I've got a fatty to burn. -Sweet Dee
73. You're a stone cold fox, Margaret. You're a stone cold fox, and I want you. I gotta have you. I need you. I want you inside me. But you know that, don't you, Margaret? -Dennis

71. Well, I don't know how many years on this Earth I got left. I'm gonna get real weird with it. -Frank
70. Take a look at Rex here. That is a body that just won't quit. And I bet if you pop those pants off, you're gonna find a bird that just won't quit, either. And I think that'll come in handy in this situation. I think the problem here is that your body quit. Your bird quit. And, unfortunately, it's no longer legit. -Mac
69. Here's a confession: I'm in love with a man. What? I'm in love with a man. A man called God. Does that make me gay? Am I gay for God? You betcha! -Charlie
68. Hi. Um, I'm a recovering crackhead. This is my retarded sister that I take care of. I'd like some welfare, please. -Dennis
67. I'm not asking you to do much. Just turn a blind eye while I rob this place stupid. -Sweet Dee
66. How's that ass feel? [slaps Dennis in the ass] -Large Black Man in a Towel

65. Isn't that amazing? You ask to see a woman's breasts on the street, you get slapped. You give her a free t-shirt and videotape it, and the clothes come right off. -Mac
64. [In Boston accent] Ohhh, bet you read a lotta Gordon Wood, huh? You read your Gordon Wood and you regurgitate it from a textbook and you think you're wicked awesome doin' that, and how 'bout 'dem apples? And all that Gordon Wood business. -Charlie
63. You know what, Dee? I don't wanna hear about your dreams, okay? I hate listening to people's dreams. It's like flipping through a stack of old photographs. If I'm not in any of 'em and nobody's having sex, I just- I don't care. -Dennis
62. I mean, does my scar look like a dog's vagina? You know, maybe. I don't know. I'm not gonna sit here and try and get inside the mind of a dog. I mean, that's God's work. Well, not that I believe in God. I don't. Not since that Chinaman stole my kidney. -Rickety Cricket
61. Then, I'll just regress, because I feel I made myself perfectly redundant. -Charlie
60. [Reading Charlie's script] "Hello fellow American. This you should vote me. I leave power. Good. Thank you. Thank you. If you vote me, I'm hot." What? "Taxes. They'll be lower. Son. The democratic vote for me is right thing to do, Philadelphia. So do." -Dennis

59. Do not plug an open wound with trash. -Mac
58. It's fetish-fetish shit! I like to bind. I like to BE bound! -Dennis
57. I'm gonna pinch their dicks with this lobster. -Frank
56. This bar runs on trash, dude. This bar is totally green that way. -Charlie
55. Well, maybe you're a whore, you stupid, ugly, homeless bitch! -Sweet Dee
54. Okay, well, "Charlie work" is like, you know, like basement stuff, cleaning urinals, uh, blood stuff, your basic slimes, your sludges, anything dead or decaying. You know, I'm on it. I'm dealing with it. -Charlie
53. Bruce is not banging any baby dudes! -Sweet Dee
52. Oh, get a job? Just get a job? Why don't I strap on my job helmet and squeeze down into a job cannon and fire off into job land, where jobs grow on jobbies?! -Charlie
51. Wanna go get sweaty in the bathroom? -Frank
50. [Singing] I got the Lord. I got the Lord. I got the good Lord, he's goin' down on me. -Charlie
49. They're actors. They're trying to create an illusion. In the "Lord of the Rings" movie, Ian McKellen plays a wizard. You think he goes home at night and shoots laser beams into his boyfriend's asshole? I don't think so, dude. Tom Cruise is a midget, alright,

48. What is this word, spa? I feel like you're starting to a say a word and you're not finishing it. Are you trying to say spaghetti? Are you taking me for a spaghetti day? -Charlie
47. I'm not fat. I'm cultivating mass. -Fat Mac
46. Your mom doesn't know dick! She's a dumb, fat cow. And your sister, she's a stupid little shit-mouthed bitch, isn't she? -Sweet Dee
45. [Speaking like a radio host] TWO wars?! We're in the midst of two wars all at once--Now the United States of America is engaged in both of these wars? -Dennis
44. Roxy, God bless you. You were a good whore. You serviced me like no other whore ever did. Not only my crank, but my heart. And...I'm gonna miss ya. Amen. -Frank
43. You should have seen how passionate he got when I showed him the dick flyer. -Charlie
42. It involves pulling up our bootstraps, oiling up a couple of asses and doing a little plowing of our own. Pow!...Not gay sex. -Mac
41. Cat in the wall, eh?! Okay, now you're talking my language. -Charlie
40. I don't appreciate being paraphrased. Now, I choose my words very deliberately. -Mac
39. We're gonna get all in your face and point out your faults. -Sweet Dee
38. [Vietnamese music playing] This music sounds like whales raping each other. -Mac
37. Well, that's gonna be a problem; I laser. It's like a turtle's shell down there. -Dennis
36. Oh, shit. Look at that door, dude. See that door right there? The one marked "pirate?" You think a pirate

35. Fight Milk! The first alcoholic dairy based protein drink for bodyguards! -Mac
34. Later, boners. -Sweet Dee
33. I'm a...full-on rapist, you know? Uh, Africans, dyslexics, children, that sort of thing. -Charlie
32. Bite my bird. -Mac
31. Who am I supposed to vote for? Am I supposed to vote for the Democrat who's gonna blast me in the ass or the Republican who's blasting my ass? -Dennis
30. Paddy's shotgun, bro. You get blasted in the mouth! -Mac
29. I eat stickers all the time, dude! -Charlie
28. I'm not gonna be buried in a grave. When I'm dead, just throw me in the trash. -Frank
27. Later, dudes. S you in your A's, don't wear a C and J all over your B's. -Charlie
26. I hear the guy hangs dong and I'm very interested in seeing that. -Sweet Dee

24. If you're in my room, you're always being filmed. -Dennis
23. See, I've always got an A, B and C strike plan to get us out of any potentially life-threatening situation. -Mac
22. 'Cause if the girl said "no," then the answer obviously is "no." But the thing is, is she's not gonna say "no." She would never say "no," because of the implication. -Dennis
21. Oh, you're definitely gonna end up doing gay porn with this tiny little body of yours. -Sweet Dee
20. I got my Magnum condoms; I got my wad of hundreds. I'm ready to plow. -Frank
19. Can I stop you, though? You keep using this word "jabroni."'s awesome! -Charlie
18. Everybody's dying, bitch. -Mac
17. Okay, listen. Listen, you remember that night at Dooley's pool party? On that fine summer eve, when I did that double jackknife twist and blew everybody's tits off. You remember that? And then I went down on Chrissy Orlando on the trampoline later that night? -Dennis
16. [Singing] I'm gonna rise up. I'm gonna kick a little ass. Gonna kick some ass in the U.S.A. Gonna climb a mountain. Gonna sew a flag. Gonna fly on an eagle. I'm gonna kick some butt. I'm gonna

15. Flush that turd down the drain! -Frank
14. I browned out that evening. -Mac
13. See you later, Dirt Grub and Ronnie the Rat. Hope you suck each other's rotten peckers until you get mouth cancer. -Sweet Dee
12. Boys are out tonight, huh? -Dennis
11. I will SMASH your face into a- into a jelly! -Charlie
10. So come on, you ol' son of a gun, and let Buster do a line off your boner. -Buster the Jockey
9. Oh, you unzipped me! It's all coming back! It's all coming back; I hate you! It's all coming back, you understand?! I DON'T LIKE IT! I DON'T LIKE TO THINK ABOUT IT! -Frank
8. [Singing] Dayman, fighter of the Nightman, champion of the sun, you're a master of karate and friendship for everyone. Dayman! -Charlie and Dennis
7. I will eat your babies, bitch! -Sweet Dee
6. I shoulda popped my shirt off. Goddammit, really shoulda popped that shirt off. -Dennis
5. Wildcard, bitches! Yee-haw! -Charlie
4. Yeah, we both got punked, Frank. We both got punked. These kids these days, I'll tell you what, they're nothing like we used to be back when we were in fraternities. They have no respect for anybody. Okay? They're like-they're like stupid little goddamn savages. I mean, I came in there, right, and I was polite and I was nice to them. I was cordial. And the

3. Dennis, if I was looking for safe, I wouldn't be sticking my dick through a wall. -Frank
2. Is your cat making TOO MUCH NOISE ALL THE TIME? -Charlie
1. Hey-o! What's up, bitches! -Mac