The Florida Gulf Coast basketball team is currently taking on Georgetown in the NCAA hoops tournament (they are winning at the half 24-22). Their coach is a man named Andy Enfield. No matter what the outcome of the game is, one thing is for certian -- Enfield will still be a winner. That's because he is married to former supermodel Amanda Marcum (who is now Amanda Enfield). Marcum was a cover model for publications like Maxim, Vogue and Elle. Take a look at some of her sexy shots, and let the jealousy of Coach Enfield begin.
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And we've got some good news. Amanda Marcum's husband's team just pulled the biggest upset of the 2013 NCAA Tournament by handing Georgetown a 78-68 loss. Georgetown is the first #2 seed to get bounced from the tournament. We're guessing if Andy Enfield is good enough to coach himself into a super hot wife, he has to be a pretty good coach. Here's to seeing shots of Amanda at the games for the rest of the weekend.

And we've got some good news. Amanda Marcum's husband's team just pulled the biggest upset of the 2013 NCAA Tournament by handing Georgetown a 78-68 loss. Georgetown is the first #2 seed to get bounced from the tournament. We're guessing if Andy Enfield is good enough to coach himself into a super hot wife, he has to be a pretty good coach. Here's to seeing shots of Amanda at the games for the rest of the weekend.