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Some of these oddball renderings of renowned works of art seriously challenge the notion that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Beginning with Beavis and Butthead's domestication in "American Gothic," you'll find a lot of pop culture icons swapped into iconic artwork, creating new scenes that are either thought-provoking, or just plain stupid (like Mona Lisa making a duck face). Here are 33 bastardizations of famous paintings.
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American Gothic Parodies2 of 30Zombies value home ownership, too.
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DiginDigin.com3 of 30Mona Na'vi (Original: Mona Lisa)
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DiginDigin.com4 of 30She would have been a Belieber.
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imgur5 of 30No idea what's happened here.
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DiginDigin.com6 of 30Maybe Leonardo da Vinci was really trying to say, "Bitch, please."
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DiginDigin.com7 of 30A lot of time can be saved replacing normal art supplies with Legos.
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Artisan Way8 of 30
A sky made of bacon is something to scream about. (Original: The Scream)
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Bit Rebels9 of 30Homer's scream is the scream of our generation.
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imgur10 of 30Maybe that's why the man is so terrified.
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Bit Rebels11 of 30This actually works pretty well.
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Bit Rebels12 of 30Skeletor is such a coward.
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deviantART/batterychicken13 of 30Superman really needs to learn to just be cool around Kryptonite.
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artid14 of 30Beyonce had already started her solo career by this point. (Original: The Birth of Venus)
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The Zeray Gazette15 of 30No opposable thumbs, still no problem. (Original: Dogs Playing Poker)
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Freaking News16 of 30The chimps clearly outsmart this crowd.
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theCHIVE17 of 30A bit unfair to Jared, but otherwise nailed it. (Original: The Last Supper)
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theCHIVE18 of 30We wouldn't have pegged Sonic as the contentious one.
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The Daily What.19 of 30
After dinner they went with Stefon to the hottest new club. (Original: Freedom From Want)
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deviantART/sirnosh20 of 30Celestial Pac-Man would take forever to finish.
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mental_floss21 of 30Christina must have run home. (Original: Christina's World)
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Hillary White22 of 30Nobody at the cafe seems to be concerned. (Original: Cafe Terrace at Night)
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imgur23 of 30Good thing Rene Magritte decided to market the second frame. (Original: The Son of Man)
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imgur24 of 30Hands free.
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ImageShack25 of 30Only LSU Shaq could fit into that jacket.
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tumblr26 of 30Not the best hiding spot but we're still not sure that's him.
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Fine Art America27 of 30Really, a smallmouth bass? (Original: Whistler's Mother)
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Walyou.com28 of 30Well, Leonardo was named for a painter.
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Matt Groening29 of 30The persistence of donuts. (Original: The Persistence of Memory)
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bbc.co.uk30 of 30