1 of 31The funniest GIFs of the week are here and that is fantastic news because GIFs are the greatest thing on the Internet. If you can't deal with that, there's a skateboarding cat in a box who wants to have a word with you.
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2 of 31Do you ever feel like the weight of the world is smashing into your face and knocking you on your ass?
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3 of 31I'm pretty sure this is what it looked like when Slash recorded the solo for "Sweet Child O' Mine."
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4 of 31Batman and Robin have always made a great team.
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5 of 31This is a very informative video on how to pluck your eyebrows.
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6 of 31Maybe you should stay away from the playground for a little while.
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7 of 31Escalator helicopter fail.
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8 of 31Vacuuming your cat is the best way to prevent shedding.
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9 of 31Notice the two most important elements of a successful GIF: a toddler getting smashed in the face and a cat.
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10 of 31I'm not totally sure what happened here but I like it a lot.
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11 of 31Have you ever gotten a leg cramp and just started kicking yourself in the face uncontrollably?
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12 of 31Yep. Looks like a normal frog to me.
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13 of 31Tag. You're it.
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14 of 31Is it just me or does the Karate Kid seem to be getting younger and younger in every new movie?
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15 of 31Survey says?
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16 of 31Always wear goggles when you go swimming in your local pool.
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17 of 31This is the only way to properly boil a live lobster.
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18 of 31I'm not sure why sloth is a deadly sin - this looks delightful.
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19 of 31That's weird, when my dog eats mushrooms, he just throws up all over the carpet.
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20 of 31You know what they say about boating: keep your head on a swivel or you'll get smacked in the face by a jumping fish.
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21 of 31It's never good when your bike ramp jump fail takes place before you even make it to the ramp.
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22 of 31Maybe use less soap next time.
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23 of 31Is any else turned on right now?
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24 of 31Once again, a large cat maneuvers into a tiny box to disprove the laws of physics.
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25 of 31Forget lead guitar, butt flute is now the most rock n' roll instrument.
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26 of 31This is the only version of the Miami Heat that you are allowed to like.
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27 of 31I will watch pandas do anything.
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28 of 31So he's afraid of an insect but he's will to try to hit a 85 MPH curveball?
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29 of 31Always shake properly before applying sun tan lotion.
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30 of 31This is why I prefer to sit inside and and stare at the Internet all day and never try outdoors-y things.
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31 of 31Next: More Hilarious GIFsSeriously, why do people ever go outside?
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