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Hello, friend. We know you've had a rough few days of work and putting out various fires, so take a break and chill in this pool of funny photos like a moose chilling in a front yard across from a blazing minivan.
When that pool dries up, check us out on Instagram. But be warned, there are funny AND sexy photos there.
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2 of 19Say no to the nip, cats.
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3 of 19Well played, Dairy Queen.
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4 of 19All babies should have a photo taken like this for when they grow up, to remind them that their parents are awesome.
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5 of 19Don't worry, cat. The human is definitely the pet.
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6 of 19This seems appropriate for the times.
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7 of 19This is the saddest thing I have ever seen.
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8 of 19
This is especially true when you are waiting for the cable guy.
See more of Socially Awkward Penguin on Mandatory.
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9 of 19It was already broke when I got here; I swear. - Cow
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10 of 19
Moms really come through when you least expect it.
Related: Positive Yo Mama Meme
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11 of 19Awwww yeahhh.
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12 of 19Ahh, that makes sense.
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13 of 19
Let's count all the things wrong with this photo:
1) That is not B.J. Upton.
2) The player pictured is bunting, not running the bases.
3) A bunt rarely leads to a double.
4) Nobody seems to be shitting.-
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14 of 19It's amazing what siblings can do for each other when SpaghettiOs are involved.
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15 of 19
We've all been there, Uter.
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16 of 19Internet commenters rarely think of the people on the other end of their hurtful comments.
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17 of 19I'm no biker, but I imagine this guy has a lot of street cred.
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18 of 19This girl is screwed. Nobody is ever going to be able to get her back with that stupid claw machine.
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19 of 19Next: Even More Hilarious PhotosMe, Myself & Irene, the Sequel
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