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Who has time to go sit in a classroom? Chalkboards, overhead projectors and books? Pass! With the wonderful world of apps available at your fingertips, you can learn just about anything in any environment. And as a man, it's our job to know everything despite our clear ignorance in many areas. With a crowded App Store, it can be hard to pinpoint the best apps for learning to become a better man, but don't worry, we've got you covered.
Weber's On the Grill ($4.99)
For the Ron Swanson that marinades in us all, check out Weber's app, the perfect grilling companion for a summer day cookout. It comes with more than 300 recipes for different grilling styles, including different sauces, spices and meats you can toss on the Weber.
The app allows you to tag your favorite recipes for later and helps organize and share a grocery list so your friends can pitch in for once in their lazy existences. If you can't throw together a good grill-out with this thing, there's not much hope for you in the world.
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TED Talks (free)
For the best in forward thinking, inspirational and educational speeches, TED.com offers all its best talks in the form of its TED Talks app. Inviting speakers of all ages and ethnicities, along with some popular faces, TED pulls in both the alluring and practical observations into one stack of HD-quality videos.
With videos on everything from reducing poverty to improving education to the best storm chaser videos, TED has it all. In a world where everything has a price, TED offers a lot more than most things free of charge. It's a crime against humanity and against yourself to not at least take it for a spin.
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Guitar Lessons from Howcast ($1.99)
With more than 140 videos from trained instructor Ivan Max, there's everything you need to pick up a six-string axe and get to fiddling some tunes. HowCast's videos are high quality and offer proper technique, unlike most half-assed apps with no quality control, so you know you're learning the right way from the start.
From learning the strings to chords to progressions, you can slowly build your way from a bungling klutz to being a guitar hero. So set down the fake guitar with rainbow-colored buttons and pick up a real guitar and get to jamming.
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(Art of) Manliness (free)
From the creators of the popular The Art of Manliness comes their heavily requested app, Manliness. The free download offers tips on all the essential things in a man's life, from most important, grooming and mustache care, down to boring things like money, careers and family relationships.
They cover everything you'll ever need to know to increase your manliness like instructions on grouting tile, building your own gym and starting your own farm. With skills like these, you'll never need another repair man invading your home again.
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Master Your DSLR Camera ($4.99)
If you catch yourself as one of those people staring at the buttons on your digital camera, wondering what they mean and why your photos turn out looking like drunk goggles on a Monday Night Football fan, then maybe it's time to invest a small amount of money into a photography course in a language you can comprehend.
With the app, you'll get quick, jargon-free and to-the-point tutorials, along with cheat sheets, which are perfect on the job or on the move, and trouble shooting for any photography scenario. For beginner and amateur photographers who are sick of having photos that look they came were taken on a wind-up '90s disposable, this is the answer to all your problems, for the same price as two steamy cups of shitty franchise coffee.
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Tie-a-Tie Deluxe ($0.99)
It's bad enough having a job that forces you to wear a tie all the time, let alone a job that forces you to learn how to tie a tie, but it's a skill worth having. There's nothing worse than having a woman with man hands or a child tying your knot for you, so why not get on top of all the different tie styles and see if you can't change a few lives yourself.
Tie-a-Tie Deluxe teaches you the different knots, ties and rope work of a business professional so that even if you don't get to decide when it's a good day to have a tie, you'll at least be prepared for the days you know you'll have to. And not wearing a tie because you don't know how isn't a fashion statement; it's a cry for help.
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Cocktails Made Easy ($2.99)
After a long day at the office, or when your hands begin to shake, you know it's time to toss back the one cocktail that'll hit the spot. For some, it's the dirtiest of martinis, and for others, it's the throwback of old fashions.
With Cocktails Made Easy, you get easy-to-read recipes, an innovative "Cabinet" section to find best cocktails for your preferred liquor, along with the options to star your favorite concoctions and email some cool ones to overly sober, thirsty friends and loved ones.
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RepairPal (free)
Tired of getting fisted by your mechanic over Johnson rods and things that don't need any fixing in your car? Well, become your own mechanic, or at least the guy who sends the bill, by using the top car repair app.
Based on the year, make, model and miles on your car, you can find an estimate on parts and labor in the location you're in. If nothing else, you can show this off when you feel you're getting screwed or compare prices of other auto repair shops. Your car is practically as important as any children you may ever have, so it's important to keep it in good condition. There's also a checklist and roadside assistance options to keep you in your car's good graces.
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PMS Buddy ($0.99)
Here's something you cannot put a price on: knowing when important women in your life are cycling. Odds are, if they're as close to one another as most women are in your life, they're cycling together, wife, mother and dog. So wouldn't it be best to be in the know as to when to expect certain situations to arise?
With PMS Buddy, the ultimately creepy boyfriend guide, you can categorize the women in your life not by the love you have for them but instead by their typical cycle period based on date and average length. The app warns you with its PMS meter as to how close you're getting to the danger zone. Clever? Yes. Creeptastic? Most definitely.
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10 of 10Next: What Every Man Should Have in His Place
Rosetta Course (free)
All the greatness of the hefty, overpriced Rosetta Stone box sets found in bookstores, which no longer exist, is now available in a tiny little digital file for a fair price in the App Store. Whatever it is you want to learn, whether it's French, Spanish or Klingon, you can get through the best language barrier breaker of the 20th century in 21st century style, with an app fully synced to your computer and a high quality voice-recognition technology for refined pronunciation.
Broken up into different levels for beginners to experts, you can the proud recipient of a new language on your mobile device, which allows you to access your subscription to the course of your choice. Gibberish becomes clear as day, and you can swear at people in traffic and they most likely won't know what you're screaming, thanks to the wonderful folks at Rosetta Stone.
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