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It's Friday, which means it's time to leap into the weekend face first. So kick your partying off with today's funniest photos. (Just brace yourself for the inevitable face first crash landing on Monday morning.)
And when you're done with our funny photos, check out the rest of the best videos, links and more with today's Top Shelf.
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2 of 18I can't wait to see what wacky shenanigans Nic Cage and Kramer get into next.
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3 of 18Just in case you need a reason to drink on a day of the week that ends in "y."
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4 of 18One big happy family.
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5 of 18Does anyone tell their friends the truth when they're running late to meet up?
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6 of 18No matter how many cringe-worthy moments you've had in your life, you'll never do anything as embarrassing as Socially Awkward Penguin.
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7 of 18Those are some unlucky fish.
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8 of 18There is definitely enough air in there to save lives.
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9 of 18Beer tastes way better out of long neck bottles.
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10 of 18I have to say, I totally agree with this poll. Being president looks really hard.
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11 of 18Snoop Dogg would faint if he saw this.
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12 of 18The key to a well-balanced diet is mixing your singles with 20s and 50s.
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13 of 18They might as well hang up on you.
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14 of 18Sometimes you just have to throw your hands up in the air. And if you're a rock and you don't have any hands, even better.
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15 of 18Seriously, who designed this?
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16 of 18"Do you have a table for one?"
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17 of 18Hey, it's better than coins.
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18 of 18Next: More Hilarious PhotosIf push pins are there to help us remember important things in our lives, then this push pin is being used exactly as it was intended.
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