When one man was robbed of his Amazon delivery he was lucky enough to catch the thief on tape. Now he's going about finding justice with his tongue planted firmly in his cheek.
Phoenix, AZ resident Tim Lake had ordered K-cups and an ice cube tray from Amazon. When Lake wasn't around to pick-up his order, the not-so-stealthy blonde robber struck, swiping his package from right off his doorstep. Since it was all caught on camera, Lake made up a sarcastic Wanted-style poster and started canvasing his Arcadia neighborhood for the perpetrator.
Laughing at this low-level crook hasn't turned up any leads yet, but the more attention he gets for his hilarious way of dealing with this situation, the more exposure he is getting for this ridiculously petty 22 dollar crime. Here's hoping he eventually tracks her down.
Here's the full poster for your amusement: