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by Matt Shirley
Before you get angry and comment below on how X actor isn't the most famous and Y actress isn't really from Arkansas, let's talk methodology. Popularity rankings are based on IMDB popularity rankings, Wikipedia actor categories, and, since those lists aren't right sometimes, my brain. In order to be "from" a state, I determined that they had to live there for at least five years. Spend 4.5 years in Hawaii? Sorry, you aren't from there. Deal with it.
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Before you get angry and comment below on how X actor isn't the most famous and Y actress isn't really from Arkansas, let's talk methodology. Popularity rankings are based on IMDB popularity rankings, Wikipedia actor categories, and, since those lists aren't right sometimes, my brain. In order to be "from" a state, I determined that they had to live there for at least five years. Spend 4.5 years in Hawaii? Sorry, you aren't from there. Deal with it.
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