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If you've had the kind of week I've had, then your main goal is to end up like this dog by the end of the day. Until you get there, we have these funny photos to make it a little more bearable. Enjoy.
And if you need even more fun, make sure you're following us on Twitter and we'll bring it all directly to you in a convenient 140 character package.
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2 of 19This balloon only makes sense if it was given to your child by Mike Tyson.
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3 of 19That little dog is the greatest.
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4 of 19This was the complete opposite of a waste of time.
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5 of 19
Frankie says relax my parents will pay for it.
Click here for more hilarious honest kid test answers.
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6 of 19Now we know why cats are such bastards to us.
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7 of 19I will never fly again.
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8 of 19Check out even more unintentionally sexy sports photos.
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9 of 19
I don't even own a pet and I want to go to this veterinarian.
For more sign fun, check out these very odd church signs.
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10 of 19Sometimes typos make what you were trying to say more accurate.
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11 of 19That's what you get for calling your gardener a giant dick.
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12 of 19Good to know.
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13 of 19
Here is Mandatory's very own Rob Fee in his sportier days. Believe it or not, this photo isn't the funniest thing about him.
Check out when he trolled some horny OKCupid guys to really get you laughing.
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14 of 19Sounds like a shitty job. Click here for more hilarious signs it's a slow news day.
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15 of 19This just earned itself a place in our endless gallery of perfectly timed photos.
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16 of 19It always is.
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17 of 19Serves her right for using a bathroom in Walmart.
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18 of 19The stone has a better shot at getting the weather right than your local weatherman.
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19 of 19Next: Even More Hilarious PhotosI've never been to Idaho and this is exactly why.
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