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We at Mandatory have been known to create some hard-hitting pieces of journalism. This is not one of those times. This is a gallery of women with completely jacked up eyebrows.
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2 of 16The line between sexy and stupid is very fine. And apparently very arched.
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3 of 16Just don't ever do that.
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4 of 16You're into elves, aren't you.
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5 of 16The eyebrows are kind of the best part of this photo.
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6 of 16Sometimes when I think I've made a bad decision, I just look at this photo and feel a lot better about myself.
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7 of 16Groucho lives.
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8 of 16
On a positive note, not a lot of people will be looking at your face.
If you're interested in busty babes.
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9 of 16You would be cute if you weren't so stupid.
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10 of 16Somehow you've managed to bring shame upon the ruler.
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11 of 16Even she's sad about this.
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12 of 16Bad eyebrows and hickeys - a match made in trailer park heaven.
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13 of 16That looks like the worst (and hairiest) party ever.
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14 of 16You know those people with one foot longer than the other?
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15 of 16
These eyebrows remind me of the final stanza of the famous Robert Frost poem:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
Took the one less traveled by
And that has made all the difference
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16 of 16Next: Epically Hilarious PhotosCarrot Top jokes are still funny, right?
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