1 of 36Start clicking through the week's funniest GIFs on our count. Ready? Hut, hut, HIKE.
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2 of 36This has to be the worst way to wake up from a nap.
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3 of 36OK, maybe this is the worst way to wake up from a nap.
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4 of 36Before using your dog as a pillow, make sure he likes it first.
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5 of 36The only way you'll ever see a dog putting food back onto the table is if you reverse a GIF of a dog stealing pizza off of a table.
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6 of 36That is one determined kid. And an even more determined dog.
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7 of 36Skydiving doesn't look that scary.
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8 of 36Drum solo!
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9 of 36The best kind of pranks are the ones that result in serious injury.
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10 of 36From seductive to fail in 3 seconds.
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11 of 36Cats and dogs: will they ever get along?
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12 of 36You know damn well that other cat isn't helping out.
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13 of 36Walk it off. No one saw that at all.
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14 of 36Caught red handed. (Red pawed?)
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15 of 36Just to be clear, this is the totally appropriate reaction when you catch someone who caused an accident because of texting.
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16 of 36Toddlers slipping and falling will be funny forever.
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17 of 36I'm pretty sure I'd react the exact same way to seeing a lizard crawling around in my living room.
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18 of 36This is how every member of the Mandatory edit staff enters the building on Fridays. (And every other day of the week, really.)
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19 of 36I will never be as cool as this zip-lining dog.
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20 of 36I'm guessing he didn't wish for that.
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21 of 36Humans use dumbwaiters. Cats use baskets.
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22 of 36How high is that duck?
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23 of 36For every extreme skier, there is an extreme dog.
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24 of 36Hands where we can see 'em, newsman.
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25 of 36This is how I dance at weddings.
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26 of 36This is what it's like to be P0WNED on a Major League level.
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27 of 36You're not alone Bobby. We all feel this way about soccer. And exercise in general.
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28 of 36Please note how long it takes for this poor, terrified bunny to get moving after frantically spinning its legs in place.
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29 of 36None of us will ever be as excited about anything as this dog is about playing with his new toy.
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30 of 36Matt Damon and Ben Affleck will always stick together.
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31 of 36Click here for more hilarious Fuck the Police meme photos.
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32 of 36Must retrieve toy at any expense.
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33 of 36I think it's time we re-name the lap dance something a little more appropriate, like Face Smash.
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34 of 36Don't worry about the nuclear power plant, guys, this dog has everything under control.
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35 of 36This is what happens when you let the cat play with himself.
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36 of 36Next: Even More Hilarious GIFsNot everybody likes to be touched.
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