1 of 21Life is full of questions. Many are trivial or easy to answer, but some are of great significance and really make one think. For questions like the latter, there is a need for someone to stand up who is not afraid to ask them, no matter what the consequences are. That is exactly where Philosoraptor comes in. Click ahead for some of the most hard-hitting, thought-provoking, and debate-inspiring questions from Philosoraptor.
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2 of 21Okay, so most would probably agree that the answer to this one is YES.
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3 of 21Philosoraptor makes me long for the pre-Facebook times.
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4 of 21I should have written my thesis on this (the night before it was due).
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5 of 21Leave it to ol' Philosoraptor to spark the debate on abortion and prostitution in one fell swoop.
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6 of 21Doesn't expecting the unexpected make the unexpected become the expected?
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7 of 21Answer that, you uppity Mac users!
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8 of 21The gun debate just got toasted.
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9 of 21We need to get Disney on the phone, pronto.
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10 of 21Sometimes Philosoraptor shows up on special pizza delivery instructions.
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11 of 21If you work in the porn industry, what is NSFW?
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12 of 21X-Men is a farce and a sham.
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13 of 21Defend yourselves, hypocritical rappers!
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14 of 21But do we want to live in a world without Photoshopped models?
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15 of 21If you're clean when you get out of the shower, why do towels get dirty?
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16 of 21Now Philosoraptor is just messing with us.
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17 of 21I think I just got an idea for a screenplay.
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18 of 21Man, Philosoraptor sure has a lot of interest in zombies.
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19 of 21Philosoraptor won't back away from a touchy subject like this.
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20 of 21If what you see is what you get, why can't you judge a book by its cover?
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21 of 21Next: The Very Best of the Breaking Bad ComicsI have a feeling the government would still ignore it.
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