aldeka_/flickr1 of 25
Pranks are funny. They are even funnier when they involve messing with people's prized possessions...like their cars. The following vehicle pranks range from harmless to ruthless, simple to elaborate, and amusing to downright hilarious. Here are 25 of the best vehicle pranks you can pull on your friends.
Classic Post-it Note Covering
For added effect, actually leave the person you are pranking some messages on the Post-it notes.
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Scott Ableman/flickr2 of 25
Or just use different colored Post-it notes to spell their name.
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Silly Little Man/flickr3 of 25
Saran Wrapping
Simple, cheap, and always gets a laugh.
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cammom/flickr4 of 25
Yet some pranksters will still go above and beyond the call of duty.
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modifiedplanet.com5 of 25
Those leaf blowers just have a mind of their own, I tell ya.
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jokeroo.com6 of 25
It would be great to see shopping carts gathered up this nicely at my neighborhood grocery store.
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@LandryJones12/Twitter7 of 25
This falls under the elaborate prank category. That truck belongs to Oklahoma Sooners quarterback Landry Jones. Yes, his friends removed all of his tires and put the truck on cinder blocks.
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College Humor8 of 25
This one is much less work, but still requires a decent amount of time if you want to do it right. Step 1 - gather a bunch of cotton balls. Step 2 - dip cotton balls in water. Step 3 - stick wet cotton balls all over the vehicle. If it's cold enough outside, they'll freeze right to it, making this prank even better.
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complex.com9 of 25
If you have an inordinate amount of packing peanuts, shredded paper, or ping pong balls lying around, why not dump them in your friend's car for a fast and easy prank?
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lolpranks.com10 of 25
Or if you're a more festive person, use pumpkins!
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9aha.com11 of 25
Wrapped in Aluminum Foil
This actually makes the vehicle look pretty cool.
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toastforbrekkie/flickr12 of 25
Wrapped in Aluminum Foil
NASA edition.
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ydr.com13 of 25
Dude, Where's My Car?
If you can get ahold of your friend's keys without him knowing, simply moving his car and having him think it got stolen is a good prank. If you are more of an A-hole, just drive it into the pool. It may not be funny to him now, but in twenty years...OK, don't drive it into the pool. Just move it around the block.
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complex.com14 of 25
The Accident Note
Very few things are as horrifying as walking up to your car and seeing a piece of paper on the windshield, as it is almost certainly a ticket or a note saying "I hit your car." Leaving a fake accident note with no contact information will leave your friend confused and incensed, and you can just sit back and laugh.
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fineartamerica.com15 of 25
Just Married Prank
When your friend is seen driving around town on a Wednesday afternoon with a "Just Married" sign on his car with cans dragging, everyone will laugh at him.
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prankplace.com16 of 25
Naughty Bumper Sticker Prank
When your friend is seen driving around town on a Wednesday afternoon with a vulgar bumper sticker on the back of his car, everyone will LOL at him.
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jalopnik.com17 of 25
Rainbow Windshield
This one is pretty cool. Stick little acrylic paint capsules right above your friend's driver side windshield wiper. When he hits the wipers, he gets this rainbow-colored prank in his face.
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MadMup/flickr18 of 25
Extra Passenger
Here's a harmless, fun-loving prank that everyone in the neighborhood will enjoy, including the one who gets pranked.
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imgfave.com19 of 25
No Passengers
Here's a much more harmful, much more snowy prank that only the prankster will enjoy.
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pranklabs.com20 of 25
Broken Window Prank
For this one to work, it is necessary for the prankster to already have a supply of broken car window glass. If you have that, the rest is easy. Just roll down your friend's passenger side window (even easier if they have manual window rollers), set the broken glass on the seat, and when he returns, he will think his window got smashed in. Let him shout a few obscenities before you tell him the truth.
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thechive.com21 of 25
Cardboard Modifications
Cardboard turbo boosters and rear spoilers only up the resale value.
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lolpranks.com22 of 25
Go Green
If your friend has an especially gas-guzzling vehicle, help him go green...by covering it in real turf.
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23 of 25
Caution Tape Prank
Getting your hands on some police caution tape is rife for pranking, so this one is pretty self-explanatory. Best case scenario, the person you prank thinks something horrible has happened in their car and freaks out. Worst case scenario, they get you back with their own vehicle prank.
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thechive.com24 of 25
TP'ing is Not Just for Houses
This is important to keep in mind around Halloween. Don't piss off any trick-or-treaters, or this could be your car's fate.
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free-revenge-ideas.com25 of 25Next: Hilarious Bedroom Pranks
Pick Axe Prank
If you have a friend with a crazy ex-girlfriend, and this friend of yours is due to be pranked, then look no further.
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