1 of 48
When someone messes up a very simple task, they deserve to be called out. That's pretty much the entire reason the Internet exists. To celebrate other people's incompetence, here is a collection of people who had one job to do but just couldn't pull it off. You had one job, people!
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2 of 48
"Bruce is going to be so pissed..." -Clark Kent
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3 of 48
"How am I supposed to hold the cup? HOW?!"
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4 of 48
Sweatshops just aren't what they used to be.
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5 of 48
This took a really long time to screw up.
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6 of 48
Buzz Lightyear would've made the movie even more kickass.
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7 of 48
Worst. Roommate. Ever.
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8 of 48
If you stare at this long enough you start to believe it.
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9 of 48
Thrift store gem.
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10 of 48
"Mike, how can we say, 'Is it in you?' if we can't even get the right stuff IN the bottle?!"
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11 of 48
"The guests will be very uncomfortable, but they will not be hungry."
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12 of 48
That relish is gross anyway.
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13 of 48
I don't know if poor education is a stereotype about Minnesota, but I guess it is?
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14 of 48
Who's there?
Upside down door.
Upside down door, who?
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15 of 48
"People will be too busy texting and driving to notice..."
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16 of 48
Flea is not going to like this.
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17 of 48
"So all of those chicks from different ethnic backrounds are NOT going to sing and dance around us later?"
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18 of 48
"First of all, we can't get the candy if you don't open the bag. Second, for the love of God, WHY would you even want to mix Skittles and M&M's?!?!"
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19 of 48
"We have a problem...neither of these are really 'pink'."
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20 of 48
"Seriously, can we fire the blind guy?"
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21 of 48
That's one remote you shouldn't mind losing.
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22 of 48
"I don't understand Latin culture."
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23 of 48
"This broccoli cheese soup is going to taste weird."
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24 of 48
This should be fixed when the iPhone 6 comes out.
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25 of 48
Americans make the "Made in China" labels.
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26 of 48
"My bunny's ears fell off!"
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27 of 48
University of Benihana.
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28 of 48
"The new Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie is going to SUCK."
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29 of 48
"Well it was that or don't get your mail."
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30 of 48
"Why did we have the blind guy stock the produce? Better yet, why did we hire a blind guy?"
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31 of 48
"Wow...I don't remember that from the SAT Prep book."
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32 of 48
"Well at least we know what we're eating now..."
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33 of 48
"Let's not shop at the Dollar Tree for everything anymore."
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34 of 48
"I know you can't read Ricky, but I thought I taught you about shapes!"
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35 of 48
$129 or $1.29?
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36 of 48
I don't even want to know what the "Apple" is.
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37 of 48
"I don't know, man. We hired this blind guy. He used to work at a grocery store."
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38 of 48
Walmart products...
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39 of 48
Close enough...
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40 of 48
I really want a Sprite right now.
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41 of 48
Which one of these is not like the other...?
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42 of 48
You know Willie Wonka and his crazy pranks.
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43 of 48
Those are some pretty large cherries.
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44 of 48
This seems to happen an awful lot.
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45 of 48
Half right.
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46 of 48
My doctor said have two eggs every morning. I guess I have to...
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47 of 48
"And we're going to see a bit of a spike in temperature tonight, but it should be back to normal right before you take the kids to school."
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48 of 48Next: Hilarious Bedroom Pranks
True art can be anything you want it to be.
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