Ah, yes. It wouldn't be a complete week without somebody in Florida doing something so bat shit crazy that it becomes national news.
Daytona Beach Police say a married man with his toddler son in the back seat of his car recently solicited a hooker for a beej but was arrested because she was actually an undercover police woman.
![man solicits prostitute with kid in back seat]()
According to police, Patrick Williams said he would "turn around" after the undercover officer said he could bring the kid up to the room she had, and while she went to town on him, the kid could watch cartoons.
But Williams says he didn't solicit the woman for anything, telling WESH he was part of a police sting. Williams says he just stopped to pray for what he thought was a "crazy crackhead" before driving off.
But the craziest part of a story involving praying for crackheads and soliciting hookers while your kid is in the back seat of your car, is that we can't tell how old this kid is because nobody involved in the story on WESH seems to know. The police chief says the kid is a 4-year-old, the kid's father says he's a 3-year-old, and WESH says he's a 2-year-old.
Seriously, we're about as confused as a guy who stopped to pray for a crackhead who turned out to be an undercover police officer posing as a hooker.
Not everything from Florida makes you question humanity: The 50 Hottest Women From Florida
Daytona Beach Police say a married man with his toddler son in the back seat of his car recently solicited a hooker for a beej but was arrested because she was actually an undercover police woman.

According to police, Patrick Williams said he would "turn around" after the undercover officer said he could bring the kid up to the room she had, and while she went to town on him, the kid could watch cartoons.
But Williams says he didn't solicit the woman for anything, telling WESH he was part of a police sting. Williams says he just stopped to pray for what he thought was a "crazy crackhead" before driving off.
But the craziest part of a story involving praying for crackheads and soliciting hookers while your kid is in the back seat of your car, is that we can't tell how old this kid is because nobody involved in the story on WESH seems to know. The police chief says the kid is a 4-year-old, the kid's father says he's a 3-year-old, and WESH says he's a 2-year-old.
Seriously, we're about as confused as a guy who stopped to pray for a crackhead who turned out to be an undercover police officer posing as a hooker.
Not everything from Florida makes you question humanity: The 50 Hottest Women From Florida