George Pimentel/WireImage
It's amazing what a good intro song can do for a wrestler's career. There's just something about the perfect song that sends the crowd into an absolute frenzy. Over the years there have been some really terrible ones (we're looking at you, American Males), but some songs have become intricate parts of wrestling history. Here's a look at the 40 greatest wrestler intros of all time. If you have others that you enjoyed, feel free to mention them below. Just don't bring up "Disco Inferno."
40. Big Boss Man
It's not like you need an awesome theme when you can twirl a baton like that, but he had one anyway.
39. Raven
I never wanted a perm until I saw Raven walking to the ring with that song blasting and his ripped jeans.
38. Jake Roberts
You knew as soon as that song started you were going to see Jake toss that python on one of his foes who also happened to have a snake phobia.
37. Sting
It's crazy how much String reinvented himself by completely ripping off The Crow and ditching his spikey hair.
36. Diamond Dallas Page
Did no one else notice his theme song was just "Smells Like Teen Spirit" with a few bits of DDP commentary in it?
35. Vader
When you heard "IT'S TIME! IT'S VADER TIME!" and saw that giant red mask coming to the ring it was impossible not to get excited.
34. John Cena
No one insists on rocking those denim capri pants quite like John Cena, huh?
33. 2 Cold Scorpio
Seriously, if you've never listened to his theme song, do it now. The video that goes along with it is nothing short of magical.
32. The Gangstas
The best part was that they left the song playing through their entire match so it was like a concert of people getting things broken over their heads.
31. Matt Hardy
Maybe the most underrated theme song in recent memory. It was much better than the Hardy's tag team theme.
30. Vince McMahon
While he's far from the best wrestler, you can tell he's in charge because his entrance music rules.
29. Shawn Michaels
If anyone thinks this should be higher on the list, do me a favor and listen to it again. The lyrics are beyond stupid.
28. CM Punk
Let's hope we get to hear this again soon and that he's not done with wrestling forever.
27. Mr. Perfect
How would you sum up his entrance theme? I'd say perfect.
26. Razor Ramon
It's not flashy, but it fit his character and persona so perfectly that you have to respect it.
25. Goldberg
The ominous music combined with pyrotechnics that he WOULD INHALE made for such an amazing thing to see.
24. Ultimate Warrior
You really only got to hear about 5-10 seconds of his song because he ran to the ring so quickly they had to cut it off almost immediately.
23. Kane
Kane's theme could've easily been an Undertaker rip off, but they found a way to make it, not only cool, but unique as well.
22. The Sandman
How can you go wrong with Metallica blasting while a dude with a beer belly smashes beer cans on his forehead over and over?
21. Rick Rude
No one could pull off that porn mustache and airbrushed tights quite like Ravishing Rick Rude.
Click here for the Top 20 Greatest Wrestler Intros of All Time