As a parent of a two-year-old, I get a steady dose of children's television every day. Some of them are cute and fun, while others are downright painful. One show that a lot of parents dislike, but I've always enjoyed, is "Yo Gabba Gabba." There's all sorts of music and it stays fast-paced, so it keeps the kid's attention. After watching every episode of the show at least a dozen times, it appears that something sinister may be going on in the world of Gabba. It's as though this isn't a world about fun and games after all. It may actually be about a man and the children he's kidnapped.
DJ Lance Rock may seem like a fun loving guy dressed like a Cheeto, but what if he's actually a deranged monster that has kidnapped several children and is holding them as prisoners in his isolated house?
Let's look at the evidence that's sitting in plain sight and then you can make a decision for yourself. Is this a kid's show or the story of a child abductor and their lives in captivity?
They're Kept in Cages
At the beginning of the show DJ Lance pulls each of the characters out of a case and they immediately spring to life. We're supposed to believe it's a result of the power of magic, but wouldn't anyone be thrilled to get out of a box? At the end of the show, when DJ Lance decides they've been out long enough, the characters beg and plead not to go back into the box. It's too late. These are the rules and this is how things work around here. Sure, it's cute on a kid's show, but this is almost the exact same plot of the 2009 horror movie "The Collector."
Brobee Knows Absolutely Nothing
In the Birthday episode of Gabba, we learn that Brobee is 3½ years old. At that age, a child should have an extensive vocabulary, the ability to run and jump, and should recognize most numbers and letters. Brobee knows almost nothing. In season 1 episode 13, Brobee is asked if he knows the features on his face and he has no idea. At a year of age, a typical child can identify their facial features. Brobee constantly gets confused by the most basic tasks and is easily frustrated. It wouldn't make sense for him to be this underdeveloped in a normal scenario, but if he had been kidnapped at a young age and not been able to develop properly it makes perfect sense.
They're All Horribly Disfigured
In season 2 episode 17, a friend comes to visit Gabba Land. DJ Lance announces at the very beginning that a new friend will be there to visit. Is this a new child he's kidnapped or one of his friends? The character is played by Jack Black and as soon as he sees the kids, he is horrified. They're referred to as monsters because of their appearance, but after a few minutes he realizes they're just normal kids. The group immediately clings to him, but eventually he's forced to go away. What did DJ Lance do to these children to make them so hideous? We know that poor Muno only has one eye. I guess he really angered DJ Lance and paid the awful consequences.
Plex Is Considered Magic
It's clear that Plex is the oldest of the group. He can do menial tasks like get pinecones down from trees and is considered to be magical. It makes perfect sense for younger children to look at an older child as an all-knowing robot if he can do things that they can't.
Plex often entertains the group by magically teleporting in celebrities to teach them a new dance. Could this "magic power" actually be that he knows how to work the television? During their small amount of free time each week, Plex turns on the TV for a few minutes for entertainment and the kids like to fantasize that the person on the screen is actually their friend that's come by to play with them. You'd have to come up with ways to entertain yourself if you lived in constant hell. Any escape would be welcomed.
For those of you unfamiliar with the show, this is Gooble. Gooble cries constantly and only appears sporadically on the show, so we never learn why he's always crying. I think that Gooble is a kid that refuses to be brainwashed like the others and just wants to go back home to his family. DJ Lance obviously will never allow that to happen, so he's tortured and told that if he tells the others about it, he'll only get it worse. That's why he's always crying but never revealing what's actually wrong. He sees past the charades and realizes what a nightmare each of them is living in, yet no one will do anything about it. This is why Gooble isn't kept with the rest of the kids.
He also has a striking similarity to Muno. Is this Muno's older brother who was also taken? Maybe that part of Muno's mind has been destroyed and Gooble is terrified to say anything because he doesn't want to lose an eye like his brother did.
They Know of Nothing Beyond Their Tiny Living Area
There are four small areas that make up Gabba Land as you can see above. Each area is somewhat small in size and, together, would make up enough space for a large house. This is all the world these characters know. As you can see it's just an empty void beyond their table. This is because the children aren't allowed out of the house so they have no idea what's out there or even what to imagine. DJ Lance allows them one designated area to play and that's it. Meanwhile he'll put them back in their cages when he feels like they've had enough free time and go about his business without anyone suspecting a thing. You're a monster, DJ Lance. Just let those kids go home.
DJ Lance Rock may seem like a fun loving guy dressed like a Cheeto, but what if he's actually a deranged monster that has kidnapped several children and is holding them as prisoners in his isolated house?

Let's look at the evidence that's sitting in plain sight and then you can make a decision for yourself. Is this a kid's show or the story of a child abductor and their lives in captivity?
They're Kept in Cages

At the beginning of the show DJ Lance pulls each of the characters out of a case and they immediately spring to life. We're supposed to believe it's a result of the power of magic, but wouldn't anyone be thrilled to get out of a box? At the end of the show, when DJ Lance decides they've been out long enough, the characters beg and plead not to go back into the box. It's too late. These are the rules and this is how things work around here. Sure, it's cute on a kid's show, but this is almost the exact same plot of the 2009 horror movie "The Collector."

Brobee Knows Absolutely Nothing

In the Birthday episode of Gabba, we learn that Brobee is 3½ years old. At that age, a child should have an extensive vocabulary, the ability to run and jump, and should recognize most numbers and letters. Brobee knows almost nothing. In season 1 episode 13, Brobee is asked if he knows the features on his face and he has no idea. At a year of age, a typical child can identify their facial features. Brobee constantly gets confused by the most basic tasks and is easily frustrated. It wouldn't make sense for him to be this underdeveloped in a normal scenario, but if he had been kidnapped at a young age and not been able to develop properly it makes perfect sense.
They're All Horribly Disfigured

In season 2 episode 17, a friend comes to visit Gabba Land. DJ Lance announces at the very beginning that a new friend will be there to visit. Is this a new child he's kidnapped or one of his friends? The character is played by Jack Black and as soon as he sees the kids, he is horrified. They're referred to as monsters because of their appearance, but after a few minutes he realizes they're just normal kids. The group immediately clings to him, but eventually he's forced to go away. What did DJ Lance do to these children to make them so hideous? We know that poor Muno only has one eye. I guess he really angered DJ Lance and paid the awful consequences.
Plex Is Considered Magic

It's clear that Plex is the oldest of the group. He can do menial tasks like get pinecones down from trees and is considered to be magical. It makes perfect sense for younger children to look at an older child as an all-knowing robot if he can do things that they can't.
Plex often entertains the group by magically teleporting in celebrities to teach them a new dance. Could this "magic power" actually be that he knows how to work the television? During their small amount of free time each week, Plex turns on the TV for a few minutes for entertainment and the kids like to fantasize that the person on the screen is actually their friend that's come by to play with them. You'd have to come up with ways to entertain yourself if you lived in constant hell. Any escape would be welcomed.

For those of you unfamiliar with the show, this is Gooble. Gooble cries constantly and only appears sporadically on the show, so we never learn why he's always crying. I think that Gooble is a kid that refuses to be brainwashed like the others and just wants to go back home to his family. DJ Lance obviously will never allow that to happen, so he's tortured and told that if he tells the others about it, he'll only get it worse. That's why he's always crying but never revealing what's actually wrong. He sees past the charades and realizes what a nightmare each of them is living in, yet no one will do anything about it. This is why Gooble isn't kept with the rest of the kids.
He also has a striking similarity to Muno. Is this Muno's older brother who was also taken? Maybe that part of Muno's mind has been destroyed and Gooble is terrified to say anything because he doesn't want to lose an eye like his brother did.
They Know of Nothing Beyond Their Tiny Living Area

There are four small areas that make up Gabba Land as you can see above. Each area is somewhat small in size and, together, would make up enough space for a large house. This is all the world these characters know. As you can see it's just an empty void beyond their table. This is because the children aren't allowed out of the house so they have no idea what's out there or even what to imagine. DJ Lance allows them one designated area to play and that's it. Meanwhile he'll put them back in their cages when he feels like they've had enough free time and go about his business without anyone suspecting a thing. You're a monster, DJ Lance. Just let those kids go home.