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Hacked Sign Warns Drivers to Turn Back Because of Godzilla Attack

It seems as though hacking construction signs is becoming almost as trendy as Justin Bieber hate mail.

Godzilla hits the big screen this weekend, and this time around, the monster is looking to shove its foot up San Francisco's ass. But real-life San Franciscans have nothing to worry about, right? After all, it's just a movie. Right?

According to Huffington Post, a construction sign on Van Ness Avenue in downtown San Francisco warned drivers Wednesday night to turn back because Godzilla was attacking the city.

Some San Franciscans speculated the hacked sign was part of a promotional stunt tied in with the release of the movie. Others probably missed the sign completely because they were on their damn cell phones.

Honestly, if I have a choice of hanging out in a city that is about to get burned to the ground by an out-of-control reptilian monster or just chilling in Assville, sign me up for Assville: Jersey Shore Sign Hacked, Changed to 'Assville'


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