According to UPI, Chilean porn star Marlen Doll announced via her Twitter account last week that she would have sex with strangers for 8 consecutive hours if Chile beat Australia in their World Cup matchup last week.
But when her team destroyed the Australians to the tune of 3-1 and earned three points in the process, Doll decided to extend her sex romp to 12 hours instead.
In order to round up enough guys for a 12 hour session, Doll shared her contact information on Twitter after the game. As you might have guessed, her Twitter account has since been suspended.
No word on the identity of the guy who finished the job during hour number 12, but we imagine that he felt a lot of pride.
Even though she is probably still having trouble walking, Doll isn't finished making wagers on her country's soccer team. If Chile can rise to the occasion tonight and defeat Spain, Doll says she will get it on for 16 straight hours this time around.
For her vagina's sake, let's hope Spain pulls this one out.
[UPDATE: Chile won it's second World Cup game against Spain, so this won't be the last we hear of Mrs. Doll.]
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