1 of 24
Everyone loves cake. If you're eating cake, it's usually for some form of celebration. But judging by these sad and ridiculous cakes, not all cakes are baked for good times. Keep clicking to see the most mean-spirited, antagonistic and just plain strange cakes around.
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2 of 24
You're eating for two now.
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3 of 24
Eric sounds like he needs to get motivated. And nicer friends.
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4 of 24
That's going to take more than a cake to smooth over.
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5 of 24
If cakes were honest...
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6 of 24
Hey, at least it's personalized.
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7 of 24
Cakes can take your mind off a lot of problems, but probably not this one.
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8 of 24
I'm not totally sure why the Ghostbusters logo is necessary, but I like it.
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9 of 24
Make a wish!
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10 of 24
No wonder he was re-elected.
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11 of 24
Better start eating before this cake punches you.
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12 of 24
This cake is very popular with couples.
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13 of 24
That's the saddest thing I've ever seen.
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14 of 24
Just a friendly reminder.
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15 of 24
According to the tipster who sent this in, this cake was a lie.
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16 of 24
Some things are better said with frosting. This is not one of those things.
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17 of 24
No better way to entice kids than with cake.
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18 of 24
Why? Just...why?
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19 of 24
Who needs an epidural when you can just have cake?
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20 of 24
U mad, cake?
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21 of 24
You know a video's gone viral when it becomes a cake.
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22 of 24
Just in case you forgot.
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23 of 24
I'll never be able to look at two cats cuddling the same again.
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24 of 24Next: Foods That Look Better On The Package
You're gonna need a fork, a knife and a plunger.
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