via Kissing Suzy Kolber1 of 20
If you're like me, then you spent most of your early life taking your vitamins and saying your prayers because that's what Hulk Hogan instructed us to do. So many of us grew up loving professional wrestling and probably didn't realize how terrible some of the concepts were until years later. Well, now all of those abominations are gathered together in one group of the worst wrestling characters ever.
20. Bob "Spark Plugg" Holly
Hardcore Holly was one of the more popular characters of the late '90s and early 2000s. Unfortunately, his original WWE concept was not. Bob was supposed to be a racecar driver that dressed like a Hooters waitress. At one point the announcers referred to him as Sparky Plugg, which sounds like a horribly painful sex toy.
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19. Glacier
With the increased popularity in the Mortal Kombat video games, WCW decided to cash in and create a complete ripoff of Sub-Zero, except more stupid. After what seemed like years of promos, Glacier unfortunately debuted at the same time as the nWo. No one cared about his feud with fellow Mortal Kombatian Mortis and they were both eventually dropped.
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bruiserbob007 via YouTube3 of 20
18. Arachnaman
Speaking of ripoffs, WCW thought no one would notice if they did their own version of Spiderman, cleverly titled Arachnaman. They even went as far as to make him shoot silly string out of his wrists like a young Peter Parker. The character was scratched after WCW was threatened with legal action.
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via What Culture4 of 20
17. Papa Shango
Although Charles Wright gained success as Kama and The Godfather, his original gimmick was quite terrible. I'll admit that as a child I was terrified of Papa Shango. As an adult, it's absolutely absurd. He intimidated the Ultimate Warrior using a series of parlor tricks including making black ink leak out of Mean Gene's jacket sleeve. Supernatural powers, indeed!
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via Official Fan Pro Boards5 of 20
16. Hole-in-One Barry Darsow
Here's a gimmick that surely couldn't go wrong. Barry Darsow would dress like a golfer, climb into the ring, and do what every other professional wrestler would do - challenge his opponent to a putting contest! If you've got an arena packed with fans ready to see cage matches and powerbombs, why not entertain them with a little golf? No thanks, Barry.
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via Sports World Cards6 of 20
15. The Repo Man
To this day I still don't fully understand the concept of the Repo Man. Judging by his name, he worked in the repossession department but for some reason he wore a mask like Swiper from Dora the Explorer and had tire tracks across his chest like he'd been run over with a car. The Repo Man would run out during matches and steal things from other wrestlers. I'm not sure the WWE understands how repossession works.
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via Wrestling Noticias7 of 20
14. Red Rooster Terry Taylor
Terry Taylor enjoyed quite a bit of success in professional wrestling but God only knows why the Red Rooster was conceived. Terry would style his hair in a fauxhawk, paint it red, them strut around the ring like a chicken man. You knew he was coming to the ring when his theme music kicked in with an ever-so-intimidating "COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO." I'm not sure who this was supposed to appeal to, but humans were definitely not in the category.
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WWF8 of 20
13. Mantaur
In 1995, the WWE had the idea of putting a giant bull's head on Mike Hallick and calling him Mantaur. Among his cattle mannerisms, he would headbutt opponents, as well as moo at them. People were paid to come up with that. A moo-ing wrestler.
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via Power Lifting Hub9 of 20
12. Sexual Chocolate Mark Henry
After his "World's Strongest Man" title became stale, Mark Henry was repackaged as "Sexual Chocolate." The definite low point for Henry's career was when he became involved with 70-year-old (plus) WWE hall-of-famer Mae Young. By involved, yes, I mean sexually. The storyline concluded with Young going into labor while puffing on a cigar and giving birth to a human hand. I wish that was a typo but it isn't. She gave birth, accompanied by zany sound effects, to a giant human hand.
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via JoBlo10 of 20
11. The Booty Man
While Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake was one of the more popular wrestlers of the '80s and early '90s, his career took a bizarre turn once he left with his pal Hulk Hogan for WCW. The Booty Man would enter the ring shaking his booty (get it?) and then would finish off opponents with his finishing move, the High Knee - or "hiney," if you will. I wish that was a joke.
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via Wrestling Forum11 of 20
10. Phantasio
Now this was stupid. Phantasio was a giant magician painted like a mime. Like Papa Shango, Phantasio also practiced the dark art of magic, although his was even more ridiculous. His finishing move was using his years of training at Hogwarts to remove the underwear of his opponent. That's right, he would pull off their underwear and they'd become so disoriented by this that he would pin them. I don't get why anyone would ever think wrestling is fake.
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MrYoyo123321 via YouTube12 of 20
9. Oz
Kevin Nash is definitely one of the most well known wrestlers of the modern era. Forming the nWo, after a successful stint as Diesel in the WWE, made him a certified superstar. Oz, however, may be a blemish on his career. Nash dressed as a giant wizard and wore an old man mask to the ring. Why would a wizard wear a rubber mask? The character didn't last long, as no one wants to watch a magic wizard apply arm bars.
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MySpace13 of 20
8. Isaac Yankem DDS
Jerry Lawler was feuding with Bret Hart when Lawler did what any other wrestler would do - he recruited his dentist to take out Hart. Yankem, which I doubt is his given name, wrestled in scrubs and full dental gear. It was a terrible idea and didn't last long but luckily the wrestler resurfaced a few years later as Kane and became hugely popular.
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via World Wrestling Sanity14 of 20
7. Eugene
Probably the most offensive character on the list, the WWE had Nick Dinsmore portray a developmentally disabled character named Eugene. It's hard to believe in this day and age McMahon would even consider a move like this but it happened and, unfortunately for Dinsmore, probably tarnished his career forever.
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via All Sports15 of 20
6. Giant Gonzalez
Entering the rings with a bizarre spandex suit that made him look like a mutant Mr. Goodbody, Giant Gonzalez was clumsy, uncoordinated and a pain to watch. His use was reduced to being the hard-to-eliminate guy in the Royal Rumble before being dropped.
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via My 123 Cents16 of 20
5. Seven
After a successful stint as Goldust in the WWE, Dustin Runnels returned to WCW and began cutting vignettes as Seven. Although he canned the character the night of its debut, he was still responsible for some of the worst promos ever created. Seven was shown speaking in a creepy voice to a young boy outside his window and appeared to be some sort of child abductor or molester. Probably not the best angle to pursue.
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via ECW French Tribute17 of 20
4. Bastion Booger
Mike Shaw had just been the center of controversy over his friar gimmick that had offended the Catholic Church. So, what does the WWE do? They put him in a dingy diaper, make him appear hunchbacked and eating trash on his way to the ring. Surprisingly enough, Bastion Booger did not become very popular and faded off into obscurity.
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WWE18 of 20
3. The KISS Demon
In 1999 Eric Bishoff had struck a deal with the band Kiss where the WCW would create a bunch of Kiss-inspired wrestlers ... because how could that idea possibly go wrong? Bishoff was demoted shortly after and the Kiss idea was cancelled. It was a costly misstep in which WCW gained absolutely nothing but a terrible wrestler that looked like Gene Simmons.
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WWE19 of 20
2. The Yeti
The Yeti was debuted as part of Kevin Sullivan's Dungeon of Doom in a block of ice. After being "thawed out" he was revealed to be a mummy. A yeti is not a mummy but no one told that to the writers at WCW. If this wasn't terrible enough, the Yeti showed up a few months later at the World War 3 pay-per-view special dressed as a ninja under the extremely creative name, Super Giant Ninja.
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via Boston Skeptics20 of 20Next: Unintentionally Sexy Sports Photos
1. The Shockmaster
In what may have been the most unintentionally hilarious moment in wrestling history, Fred Ottman, who was known as Typhoon in the WWE, made his WCW debut with a ... splash? He wore a bedazzled storm trooper's helmet and was supposed to burst through a wall to team with Sting and the British Bulldog. Unfortunately, there was a 2x4 placed in the bottom of the wall that Ottman was unaware of and he fell flat on his face, ruining any hopes of intimidation they had planned for him.
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