Daytime TV brings out the wackiest antics. No one watches it, except for old people and unemployables, so mistakes and hijinks ensue. Here are some of the best.

The only one.

193 percent support them.

What? Tacos are good.

Whatever, same thing.

And one guy laughed hysterically from his grandma's basement.

That seems like an incredibly horrible contest to win.

Sounds like a Greek name.

Who isn't?

She's got one thing on her mind ... and it ain't weather.

He was murdered fatally.

But he also dabbles in flamingology.


A classic.

The greatest generation with the greatest names.

Inappropriate language.

A new wacky holiday.

+1 Comcast.

+2 Comcast.

Take a seat, right over there.

The things we do for love ...

A little dab of humor.

A regular Casanova.


Invent what you know.

For shame.