The street flyer. Even with the advent of computers and social media, sometimes the best way to communicate is some paper and sticking it on a pole. You know the kind: selling used something, lost pets or dog-walking services, etc, etc...But here are 21 flyers that made us look twice. Pointless or brilliant? You make the call.
![pointless signs, building a boat]()
![pointless signs, lost flyer]()
![pointless signs, lost resolution]()
![pointless signs, how were you born]()
![pointless signs, found dog poop]()
![pointless signs, have you seen this pole]()
![pointless signs, strength coach needed]()
![pointless signs, free advice]()
![pointless signs, missing my imaginary friend]()
![pointless signs, reward lost 50 dollars]()
![pointless signs, octopus fewer legs]()
![pointless signs, do not take this flyer down]()
![pointless signs, your hair looks great]()
![pointless signs, have you seen these droids]()
![pointless signs, lost boys]()
![pointless signs, have you seen this bird]()
![pointless signs, missing dog]()
![pointless signs, wanted sketch artist]()
![pointless signs, take only the star wars references]()
![pointless signs, found stray cat]()
![pointless signs, reward pet fly lost]()
h/t The Chive

h/t The Chive