Well, except for the two guys sitting next to her, she allegedly didn't do them any favors.
According to CBC News, no charges were filed against three intoxicated people who "engaged in sexual activity" on a Toronto streetcar during rush hour and caused a 20-minute delay. And while city officials were pretty mum on the topic other than suggesting they should "get a room," it was quite the opposite on Twitter, as the incident quickly spawned #TorontoStreetcarSex as well as one witness saying the "sexual activity" was in fact a "handjob."
Guys I was on the handjob streetcar. It was great. Met the neighbours. Had a laugh about some ding-dong showing off his ding-dong
- Adam Owen (@owenadam) November 20, 2014
My Stop, Time To Get Off #TorontoStreetcarSex (h/t @LRNichols)
- Norm Wilner (@normwilner) November 20, 2014
A lucky lady had more than one pole to hold onto! Talk about stability! #TorontoStreetcarSex
- Dillon Scheenaard (@scheenaardigans) November 21, 2014
"No charges were laid" Oh God please tell me that was intentional #TorontoStreetcarSex pic.twitter.com/TWS3Wt3TV5
- Hans Über (@DavidUzumeri) November 21, 2014
"Pull in case of emergency." #Torontostreetcarsex
- Injury to Instinct (@injrytoinstnct) November 21, 2014
Does anyone know what time the 504 King streetcar usually pulls out? #TorontoStreetcarSex
- Sandro Iaboni (@SandroIaboni) November 21, 2014
Uncommon to see people getting off before the driver stops the streetcar. #TorontoStreetcarSex
- Adam Worrall (@remedy) November 21, 2014
Nobody's going to say Ride the Rocket with a straight face again. #torontostreetcarsex
- Shireen Jeejeebhoy (@ShireenJ) November 21, 2014
.@TTCnotices should have left them on... #torontostreetcarsex pic.twitter.com/CxzcGDUWju
- Gord Macey (@GordMacey) November 20, 2014
#TorontoStreetcarSex A Streetcar Named Desire
- Ryan (@SirRyanR) November 21, 2014
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