It's amazing what removing a few key letters can do. We don't think for a second that these were accidental, either. Somebody somewhere was probably bored at their job and decided to have some fun, and their drudgery made for some very entertaining product titles. We'd buy these.
![sticker placement, the very hung caterpillar]()
![sticker placement, normal activity]()
![sticker placement, cock vs zombies]()
![sticker placement, my dick]()
![sticker placement, butt swords]()
![sticker placement, we all sin together]()
![sticker placement, beef strips]()
![sticker placement, voices of the lolocaust]()
![sticker placement, a dick of a cat]()
![sticker placement, ass hunter]()
![sticker placement, semen]()
![sticker placement, m&ms]()
![sticker placement, shaving a baby]()
![sticker placement, the colon]()
![sticker placement, sex poncho]()
![sticker placement, crappy quilts]()
![sticker placement, urine ear drops]()
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