As a renter, you have certain rights. One of these very important rights includes not having to share the apartment you pay for with filthy insects. The hero of our story has had absolutely enough with a roach infestation that has plagued him since he moved into his rental. In order to get his landlord -- who apparently seems to not care about the issue -- to finally take care of it, he wrote the following letter and included a special surprise to really help bring his point home. (We've transcribed the letter below in case you have trouble reading from the image.)
(h/t Happy Place)
I have had roaches since I moved in. I have started catching them in the middle of the night and releasing them into your office. I killed this little guy but let his other 4 buddies under your door. This is not my first compliant [sic]. I expect a rent reduction and will be calling the health inspector for the city of Houston first thing in the morning. From this point on, I will make a point to release roaches into your office during business hours and inform all "potential" [ed note: not sure why "potential is in quotation marks] residents of the infestation. Rent reduction. I expect to hear from you by noon.
This is fucking repulsive and I should not have to eat and sleep in such filth.
Something tells us his landlord is suddenly going to take care of the situation. Otherwise this guy will never stop bugging him. HA! Get it? Bugging?! I'll see myself out.
(h/t Happy Place)

I have had roaches since I moved in. I have started catching them in the middle of the night and releasing them into your office. I killed this little guy but let his other 4 buddies under your door. This is not my first compliant [sic]. I expect a rent reduction and will be calling the health inspector for the city of Houston first thing in the morning. From this point on, I will make a point to release roaches into your office during business hours and inform all "potential" [ed note: not sure why "potential is in quotation marks] residents of the infestation. Rent reduction. I expect to hear from you by noon.
This is fucking repulsive and I should not have to eat and sleep in such filth.
Something tells us his landlord is suddenly going to take care of the situation. Otherwise this guy will never stop bugging him. HA! Get it? Bugging?! I'll see myself out.