Sometimes, even the most incredibly terrible films can be made into purchasable ones with just one beautiful bare butt of an actress. To celebrate the best bottoms in movies, here is a pretty peachy list of the finest booties of famous actresses we could find. Are we forgetting any?
![natalie portman butt, natalie portman ass, natalie portman closer]()
This star-studded film centered around sex and smoking had everyone talking with a gutter mouth, even sweet little Natalie Portman. The scene where Clive Owen's character finds her working as a stripper is one of the better strip club scenes in film. Her bare butt makes a grand appearance, and does again in "Hotel Chevalier," the opening short to Wes Anderson's "The Darjeeling Limited" with Jason Schwartzman's character.
![jennifer aniston butt, jennifer aniston ass, jennifer aniston the break-up]()
How anyone would be dumb enough to break up with Jennifer Aniston and that perfect bare bottom is anyone's guess, but in the case of "The Break-Up," Vince Vaughn's character ends it with the dirty blonde before she makes moves that help him quickly realize what a dunce he is. Namely, there's the scene where she walks around the apartment naked with a can of soda. Damn lucky can of soda!
![Kate Winslet butt, kate winslet ass, kate winslet the reader]()
Between her actress-on-actress kissing scenes and her topless moment in "Titanic," Kate is getting a lot of attention at Mandatory, but who could forget that beautiful butt? She's had a few bare naked moments, but her scene in "The Reader" on the bed as well as the bathtub rank up there with her best film moments. Thank you, Kate, for all your hard work.
![Kerry Washington butt, kerry washington ass]()
Glowing like a delicious piece of milk chocolate any diabetic would be willing to take a bite of in her bedroom scene across from James McAvoy is Kerry Washington's contribution to fancy ass moments in film. In the power struggle between he and Forest Whitaker's character, they managed to soften the film with Kerry's backside.
![Nicole Kidman butt, nicole kidman ass, nicole kidman dead calm]()
We all remember Nicole's nippy mirror moment from "Eyes Wide Shut," not to mention the slip of the black dress, but long before she was having white-cotton-wifey moments across from Tom Cruise, she was rocking some bare butt sex scenes in the '80s. "Dead Calm" features a sex scene where Kidman makes a great top for Billy Zane. If you were ever wondering what Zane was known for and had no clue, this might have been it.
![Halle Berry butt, halle berry ass, halle berry monster's ball]()
It's not her finest moment when Halle has her sex scene with Billy Bob Thornton (damn him) in the living room after a good cry, but it is definitely a very naked scene involving a little bit of everything from Halle. It's not nearly as classy as her top-tional scene in "Swordfish," but then again, it's Halle Berry and we'll take anything. Billy Bob Thornton, really?
![anna faris butt, anna faris ass, anna faris house bunny]()
She's sweet, she's adorable, and she's got one hell of an ass. Anna Faris shows us what we're missing in "The House Bunny" when she drops trou and reveals what's underneath the towel. As far as the film is concerned, it might not be worth spending the time to watch one of the most airhead movies since Dan Aykroyd rocked a cone on his head when we can just show you the picture right here. Mandatory saves the day again.
![Kate Hudson butt, kate hudson ass]()
Who loves Kate Hudson? Who loves the idea of Kate Hudson's bare bum? Okay, now who loves the idea of Kate Hudson's beautiful bum being spanked on film? Welcome to "The Killer Inside Me," which starts with a prostitute played by Jessica Alba and keeps getting better! Eventually it works its way up to Casey Affleck spanking the behind of Kate. Is the movie's 54 percent Rotten Tomatoes rating due to these sexy scenes? Most likely.
![Charlize Theron butt, charlize theron ass]()
How could anyone forget the very Marilyn Monroe-like scene where Charlize lies naked asleep on her stomach, only to awaken to a perky Tobey Maguire staring at her. Anybody who has an unexplained vendetta against Tobey will up their ante when they realize he was once -- 16 years ago in the same room as a naked Charlize Theron in "The Cider House Rules." If life didn't make much sense before, it just got worse.
![Cameron Diaz butt, cameron diaz ass, cameron diaz sex tape]()
Judging by the title of the movie, you wouldn't be surprised to see Cameron's backside, but then again they had to use that as a selling point to get people to sit through a Jason Segel film. There's a general lack of clothing in the film, which is great for Cameron Diaz lovers, but not so great for people who are tired of staring at Segel's limp dick and pasty ass.
![Diane Kruger butt, diane kruger ass, diane kruger troy]()
It's hard to say which part of the naked love scene was better in the epic war film, Diane Kruger's incredible breasts and bare bum, or Orlando Bloom's shiny torso. But then again, you've got Brad Pitt rocking some bare ass in his scene with Rose Byrne. They're all so beautiful, why did any of them have to die?!
![Mischa Barton butt, mischa barton ass]()
The former "OC" star starts off her first years outside of teen dramas with an overtly sexual film "Closing the Ring," where the young actress exposes herself multiple times with a few sex scenes. The one scene in particular starts with her standing naked with her back to the camera crying, before turning around topless for all to see. Why are there so many nude scenes with crying going on. It's killing our horny buzz!
![Jaime Pressly butt, jaime pressly ass, jaime pressly poison ivy]()
People often forget that Jaime Pressly wasn't afraid to rock some serious nude scenes -- borderline porn -- in the '90s before she became a TV personality. Although we love a lot of the bare skin scenes Margot Robbie has in Scorsese's "The Wolf of Wall Street," it's still not quite as good as Jaime in her prime.
![Scarlett Johansson butt, scarlett johansson ass, scarlett johansson under the skin]()
Since her recent nude scene is so...naked in "Under the Skin," we'll give you a see-through undies shot from "Lost in Translation," which we can actually show. Scarlett has been the victim of online nude photo hacking, so this very raw appearance in the Jonathan Glazer fantasy film puts all that talk to bed as she gets very, very naked -- albeit as a brunette -- which was meant to help "de-eroticize" her in the media. Didn't work.
Natalie Portman - "Closer" (2004)

This star-studded film centered around sex and smoking had everyone talking with a gutter mouth, even sweet little Natalie Portman. The scene where Clive Owen's character finds her working as a stripper is one of the better strip club scenes in film. Her bare butt makes a grand appearance, and does again in "Hotel Chevalier," the opening short to Wes Anderson's "The Darjeeling Limited" with Jason Schwartzman's character.
Jennifer Aniston - "The Break-Up" (2006)

How anyone would be dumb enough to break up with Jennifer Aniston and that perfect bare bottom is anyone's guess, but in the case of "The Break-Up," Vince Vaughn's character ends it with the dirty blonde before she makes moves that help him quickly realize what a dunce he is. Namely, there's the scene where she walks around the apartment naked with a can of soda. Damn lucky can of soda!
Kate Winslet - "The Reader" (2008)

Between her actress-on-actress kissing scenes and her topless moment in "Titanic," Kate is getting a lot of attention at Mandatory, but who could forget that beautiful butt? She's had a few bare naked moments, but her scene in "The Reader" on the bed as well as the bathtub rank up there with her best film moments. Thank you, Kate, for all your hard work.
Kerry Washington - "The Last King of Scotland" (2006)

Glowing like a delicious piece of milk chocolate any diabetic would be willing to take a bite of in her bedroom scene across from James McAvoy is Kerry Washington's contribution to fancy ass moments in film. In the power struggle between he and Forest Whitaker's character, they managed to soften the film with Kerry's backside.
Nicole Kidman - "Dead Calm" (1989)

We all remember Nicole's nippy mirror moment from "Eyes Wide Shut," not to mention the slip of the black dress, but long before she was having white-cotton-wifey moments across from Tom Cruise, she was rocking some bare butt sex scenes in the '80s. "Dead Calm" features a sex scene where Kidman makes a great top for Billy Zane. If you were ever wondering what Zane was known for and had no clue, this might have been it.
Halle Berry - "Monster's Ball" (2001)

It's not her finest moment when Halle has her sex scene with Billy Bob Thornton (damn him) in the living room after a good cry, but it is definitely a very naked scene involving a little bit of everything from Halle. It's not nearly as classy as her top-tional scene in "Swordfish," but then again, it's Halle Berry and we'll take anything. Billy Bob Thornton, really?
Anna Faris - "The House Bunny" (2008)

She's sweet, she's adorable, and she's got one hell of an ass. Anna Faris shows us what we're missing in "The House Bunny" when she drops trou and reveals what's underneath the towel. As far as the film is concerned, it might not be worth spending the time to watch one of the most airhead movies since Dan Aykroyd rocked a cone on his head when we can just show you the picture right here. Mandatory saves the day again.
Kate Hudson - "The Killer Inside Me" (2010)

Who loves Kate Hudson? Who loves the idea of Kate Hudson's bare bum? Okay, now who loves the idea of Kate Hudson's beautiful bum being spanked on film? Welcome to "The Killer Inside Me," which starts with a prostitute played by Jessica Alba and keeps getting better! Eventually it works its way up to Casey Affleck spanking the behind of Kate. Is the movie's 54 percent Rotten Tomatoes rating due to these sexy scenes? Most likely.
Charlize Theron - "The Cider House Rules" (1999)

How could anyone forget the very Marilyn Monroe-like scene where Charlize lies naked asleep on her stomach, only to awaken to a perky Tobey Maguire staring at her. Anybody who has an unexplained vendetta against Tobey will up their ante when they realize he was once -- 16 years ago in the same room as a naked Charlize Theron in "The Cider House Rules." If life didn't make much sense before, it just got worse.
Cameron Diaz - "Sex Tape" (2014)

Judging by the title of the movie, you wouldn't be surprised to see Cameron's backside, but then again they had to use that as a selling point to get people to sit through a Jason Segel film. There's a general lack of clothing in the film, which is great for Cameron Diaz lovers, but not so great for people who are tired of staring at Segel's limp dick and pasty ass.
Diane Kruger - "Troy" (2004)

It's hard to say which part of the naked love scene was better in the epic war film, Diane Kruger's incredible breasts and bare bum, or Orlando Bloom's shiny torso. But then again, you've got Brad Pitt rocking some bare ass in his scene with Rose Byrne. They're all so beautiful, why did any of them have to die?!
Mischa Barton - "Closing the Ring" (2007)

The former "OC" star starts off her first years outside of teen dramas with an overtly sexual film "Closing the Ring," where the young actress exposes herself multiple times with a few sex scenes. The one scene in particular starts with her standing naked with her back to the camera crying, before turning around topless for all to see. Why are there so many nude scenes with crying going on. It's killing our horny buzz!
Jaime Pressly - "Poison Ivy: The New Seduction" (1997)

People often forget that Jaime Pressly wasn't afraid to rock some serious nude scenes -- borderline porn -- in the '90s before she became a TV personality. Although we love a lot of the bare skin scenes Margot Robbie has in Scorsese's "The Wolf of Wall Street," it's still not quite as good as Jaime in her prime.
Scarlett Johansson - "Under the Skin" (2013)

Since her recent nude scene is so...naked in "Under the Skin," we'll give you a see-through undies shot from "Lost in Translation," which we can actually show. Scarlett has been the victim of online nude photo hacking, so this very raw appearance in the Jonathan Glazer fantasy film puts all that talk to bed as she gets very, very naked -- albeit as a brunette -- which was meant to help "de-eroticize" her in the media. Didn't work.