Alright, alright, alright.
According to Uproxx, Matthew McConaughey was just 23 years old when he auditioned for the part of Wooderson in Richard Linklater's "Dazed and Confused," and the only reason he got the audition was because he met the casting director at a bar where his buddy was serving him free drinks.
Well, thanks to the Criterion Collection, that audition was made available to the masses yesterday, and it doesn't disappoint.
Sadly, the audition tape didn't feature McConaughey with a pedo-stache or Dawson shoving his fingers beneath his nose, but as you can see, it would have been a lot cooler if it did.
That's what I love about these high school girls: 20 Classic Comedy Quotes You'll Never Forget
According to Uproxx, Matthew McConaughey was just 23 years old when he auditioned for the part of Wooderson in Richard Linklater's "Dazed and Confused," and the only reason he got the audition was because he met the casting director at a bar where his buddy was serving him free drinks.
Well, thanks to the Criterion Collection, that audition was made available to the masses yesterday, and it doesn't disappoint.
Sadly, the audition tape didn't feature McConaughey with a pedo-stache or Dawson shoving his fingers beneath his nose, but as you can see, it would have been a lot cooler if it did.
That's what I love about these high school girls: 20 Classic Comedy Quotes You'll Never Forget