When you break up with someone, it's usually considered polite to try to minimize the level of suffering. But that doesn't always happen, and ordinary breakups can get transformed into something truly awful. Open your hearts to these poor schmucks who got dumped in the most brutal ways possible.
Dumped By Two Girls at Once
Okay, for this one the dude definitely had it coming, but that doesn't make his public humiliation any less intense. In July 2014, drivers on the A1 freeway in England in between Newcastle and Gateshead were greeted by an immense full-color banner hanging from an overpass that read, "Steve Frazier, you're dumped by both your girlfriends." Apparently the two women had met by chance and realized they were both being played by the same dude, leading them to their hilarious roadway rebuttal. (Photo credit: Chronicle)
Dumped By Two Girls at Once

Okay, for this one the dude definitely had it coming, but that doesn't make his public humiliation any less intense. In July 2014, drivers on the A1 freeway in England in between Newcastle and Gateshead were greeted by an immense full-color banner hanging from an overpass that read, "Steve Frazier, you're dumped by both your girlfriends." Apparently the two women had met by chance and realized they were both being played by the same dude, leading them to their hilarious roadway rebuttal. (Photo credit: Chronicle)
Dumped on the Radio

If you need a reason to dump someone, cheating is pretty solid. But there's always time to get a little revenge, as this clip shows. In 2010, a man named Chris called into the morning show on Cleveland's 105.7 FM with a proposition. He'd been dating a girl named Ashley for five years and just found out she'd been unfaithful, so he wanted to dump her on the air. The hosts lined her up and had her convinced that Chris was going to propose, only for him to drop the bomb in a spectacularly brutal fashion. (Photo credit: allaccess)
Dumped at the Wedding

This list wouldn't be complete without one or two good old-fashioned dumpings during a wedding, but this one takes the cake. When it was time for Serbian groom Veselin Lovric to bind himself in holy matrimony to Andjela Niklovic, he instead ran from the church in panic to get back together with an ex-girlfriend, in front of 150 horrified witnesses. At first, they thought he had just gone to get a little air, but after an hour or so of waiting they realized he wasn't coming back. The bride's family is suing him for the cost of the wedding, a little under $30,000. (Photo credit: Byron via Flickr CC)
Dumped By Bizarre Text

It's fair to say that breaking up with somebody by text message is the ultimate in passive-aggressive wankery, but this is above and beyond. In 2014, Australian woman Amy Nelmes shared an absolutely insane message forwarded by a friend who had been dating a guy for a paltry seven weeks. The text contained six reasons for the breakup, ranging from the understandable - "you won't update your relationship status on Facebook," to the bizarre - "you are rude to my cat and that makes me feel uncomfortable." Probably for the best that this one didn't work out. (Photo credit: Imgur)
Dumped at a Whorehouse

It's typically secrets and lies that lead to the dissolution of a relationship, so when a Polish man walked into a house of ill repute in 2008 looking for a little fun on the side, he was shocked to discover that one of the ladies working there was his own wife. The woman had told her clueless hubby that she was making extra cash working in a convenience store, but when he discovered her actual profession was the world's oldest, he of equal guilt split up with her on the spot. (Photo credit: Reuters)
Dumped at a Cliff Jump

This is painful just because of the circumstances around it, but if you watch the video you'll probably agree that the girl was justified. When a group of viral filmmakers gathered at a 400-foot deep canyon in Utah to film themselves swinging out over it, couple Creighton Bard and Jessica Powell began to argue over Powell's unwillingness to take the swing. Fed up, Bard pushed her out over the expanse, and as she fell she yelled "I'm breaking up with you!" Although she may have been partially joking, the duo did split up just a few days after the event. (Photo credit: Youtube)
Dumped Via Porn Video

Finding out that your partner is cheating is usually the absolute worst way to end a relationship, but this story from Taiwan racks that awkwardness up a dozen notches. In 2002, a carpenter named Lee purchased an adult DVD titled "Affairs With Others' Wives" at a night market and took it home to watch. Unfortunately, the "other's wife" in question was amazingly his own. The footage had been taken with hidden cameras and revealed his spouse doing the nasty with the town's butcher. Needless to say, Lee filed for divorce and the butcher fled town at top speed. (Photo credit: Joyce Li via Flickr CC)
Dumped at the Wedding Reception

We've all seen the movies where the bride gets cold feet at the altar, but it takes a special kind of cruelty to break up with someone at the wedding reception. But when British bride Jacky Ingham finished her first dance with new husband Loui Aberico, she realized that she really didn't want to spend eternity with the poor sod. Just hours later, she was speeding off in a car with her ex, William Torrence, who showed up to the reception in a T-shirt and track pants. Ingham announced to family that she'd be annulling the marriage immediately. (Photo credit: Brownstone Gardens via Flickr CC)
Dumped Because of Small Penis, Which He Then Cut Off

We feel sorry for dudes who aren't packing much in the sausage department. No matter what all of those banner ads might tell you, there's no real way to make your equipment bigger. So when Macedonian man Oliver Ilic got kicked to the curb in 2014 and his girlfriend told him it was due to his lack of fireworks in the bedroom, what followed was understandable, yet gruesome. Distraught at his wreck of a pecker, Ilic cut it off with a single pass of a razor blade and threw it in the trash. Amazingly, medical professionals were able to sew it back on. (Photo credit: Alex Saurel via Flickr CC)
Dumped in the Airport Toilet

Most of the dumpings on this list had a pretty decent reason behind them, but this one is just bizarre. A newly-married couple was flying back to their home in Saudi Arabia after a week-long honeymoon in Malaysia. Unfortunately for the unnamed woman, she spent too much time in the bathroom for her husband's liking, and when she came out he was gone. He'd decided to not wait for his wife and flown back home without her. Needless to say, their marriage didn't last too much longer, especially considering she'd been the one to pay for the tickets. (Photo credit: Elviz Low via Flickr)