This guy must be a huge fan of Dan Brown novels.
According to user ayweenie on Reddit, her boyfriend left her a love letter that she thought was cute. It is full of wonderful compliments and pet names, and even a hand-drawn emoticon. But then, she deciphered the note to discover a hidden message. Take a look.
![love letter anal sex, butt sex note, butt sex hidden code]()
![love letter anal sex, butt sex note, butt sex hidden code]()
Good luck, Booplesnoot and Fluffersboop.
More good stuff: This Guy Has Mastered the Art of Picking Up Girls on Tinder
According to user ayweenie on Reddit, her boyfriend left her a love letter that she thought was cute. It is full of wonderful compliments and pet names, and even a hand-drawn emoticon. But then, she deciphered the note to discover a hidden message. Take a look.

Good luck, Booplesnoot and Fluffersboop.
More good stuff: This Guy Has Mastered the Art of Picking Up Girls on Tinder