There are three possible outcomes to putting your food in the office fridge. You could eat it, but oddly enough that rarely ends up happening. Someone else will eat it and you'll curse the day they were born and hate them for all eternity. But the most likely scenario is that it's going to get pushed to the back of the fridge, you'll have a lunch meeting and forget about it, and in three months it will have grown limbs and hair. This is what happens when you forget. These are the grossest things found in office refrigerators.
Forget "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter." I can't believe this isn't the sleeve of a trench coat.
You want to assume Bob is lying, but if you drink it and it actually turns out to be urine, what are you going to say? It's clearly labeled as a jug of human urine.
Believe it or not, that was a pineapple. It's sort of hard to tell because it looks like it's growing teeth and has ingrown fingernails.
Something about that makes it feel like Christmastime and also violent food poisoning. I wonder what it is...
If you told me that was broccoli, I would believe you and if you told me that was old human hair and pinto beans, I would believe you.
OK I've seen Men in Black enough times to know an alien when I see one.
It looks like a Hot Pocket that decided it wanted to be a shoe.
Do not open that container. That's how the movie "Contagion" started.
Oh cool confetti fries! Wait a minute, are those oysters growing off the sides?!
I don't mean to alarm you, but THOSE BERRIES HAVE GROWN HAIR!
If there is loose, uncovered cake in the fridge and you don't remember the last office birthday, you avoid that cake at all costs.
Be honest, did someone die in here?
Um alright, I guess that answers my question. Thank you?
When this happens you should just start going to Arby's for lunch until you find a new place to work.
That's what I imagine comes out of your mouth and nostrils during an exorcism.
![gross food, gross refridgerator food]()
I mean, that's probably not what's inside, but do you really want to chance it?
It seriously looks like Mr. Krabs from Spongebob is emerging from under those repulsive fries.
At this point, don't even waste time cleaning out the fridge. Just burn down the building and start a new life somewhere else.

Forget "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter." I can't believe this isn't the sleeve of a trench coat.

You want to assume Bob is lying, but if you drink it and it actually turns out to be urine, what are you going to say? It's clearly labeled as a jug of human urine.

Believe it or not, that was a pineapple. It's sort of hard to tell because it looks like it's growing teeth and has ingrown fingernails.

Something about that makes it feel like Christmastime and also violent food poisoning. I wonder what it is...

If you told me that was broccoli, I would believe you and if you told me that was old human hair and pinto beans, I would believe you.

OK I've seen Men in Black enough times to know an alien when I see one.

It looks like a Hot Pocket that decided it wanted to be a shoe.

Do not open that container. That's how the movie "Contagion" started.

Oh cool confetti fries! Wait a minute, are those oysters growing off the sides?!

I don't mean to alarm you, but THOSE BERRIES HAVE GROWN HAIR!

If there is loose, uncovered cake in the fridge and you don't remember the last office birthday, you avoid that cake at all costs.
Be honest, did someone die in here?

Um alright, I guess that answers my question. Thank you?

When this happens you should just start going to Arby's for lunch until you find a new place to work.

That's what I imagine comes out of your mouth and nostrils during an exorcism.

I mean, that's probably not what's inside, but do you really want to chance it?

It seriously looks like Mr. Krabs from Spongebob is emerging from under those repulsive fries.

At this point, don't even waste time cleaning out the fridge. Just burn down the building and start a new life somewhere else.