Renting an AirBnB instead of a hotel is a great way to save money, get more space, and have a little more privacy. It's also apparently a great way for people who live like serial killers to use their murder dens to make a little extra money on the side. I'm not saying someone has definitely died in these rooms, but if you saw one of these places in a horror movie, you'd know that someone is about to get killed off. It doesn't matter how much money you're going to save, don't stay in one of these rooms.
There's a closet I put in here for you, but please don't use it because I'll be in there watching you sleep.
Why would you think I'd be recording you while you're sleeping? Is it because the tripod sitting directly in front of your bed?
Plenty of fresh air!
Keep the picture blurry and that way they won't be able to see the crime scene tape.
This is the type of room where someone goes to write a manifesto.
If you've ever seen a horror movie, you know these stairs lead to a portal into hell.
I'm not sure if this would be scarier around Christmas or in the middle of summer.
I know you said you're a fan of "The Fly," but are you a REALLY big fan?
That sheet will be used to wrap your body then tossed through that window into the abyss of darkness.
You'd be better off sleeping on a park bench.
Nice try, Jason Voorhees.
Free white Nikes and Kool-Aid included in your stay!
There is a 1000% chance there's a mutant or some sort of ancient evil in that closet.
You know exactly what you're getting into if you decide to stay here.
Sorry about the windows. Don't worry, that was just from previous tenants that were murdered.
Call me crazy, but I'm willing to bet there's no wifi.
"Hey honey, you know how you always complain that the mattresses at hotels aren't firm enough?"
Who hasn't wondered what it would be like to be interrogated at Guantanamo Bay?
The walls were white, but blood doesn't come out easily.
Is there a cat wearing sunglasses under that bed or is it a demon?
Everything looks innocent until you notice the saxophone lamp...

There's a closet I put in here for you, but please don't use it because I'll be in there watching you sleep.

Why would you think I'd be recording you while you're sleeping? Is it because the tripod sitting directly in front of your bed?

Plenty of fresh air!

Keep the picture blurry and that way they won't be able to see the crime scene tape.

This is the type of room where someone goes to write a manifesto.

If you've ever seen a horror movie, you know these stairs lead to a portal into hell.

I'm not sure if this would be scarier around Christmas or in the middle of summer.

I know you said you're a fan of "The Fly," but are you a REALLY big fan?

That sheet will be used to wrap your body then tossed through that window into the abyss of darkness.

You'd be better off sleeping on a park bench.

Nice try, Jason Voorhees.

Free white Nikes and Kool-Aid included in your stay!

There is a 1000% chance there's a mutant or some sort of ancient evil in that closet.

You know exactly what you're getting into if you decide to stay here.

Sorry about the windows. Don't worry, that was just from previous tenants that were murdered.

Call me crazy, but I'm willing to bet there's no wifi.

"Hey honey, you know how you always complain that the mattresses at hotels aren't firm enough?"

Who hasn't wondered what it would be like to be interrogated at Guantanamo Bay?

The walls were white, but blood doesn't come out easily.


Is there a cat wearing sunglasses under that bed or is it a demon?

Everything looks innocent until you notice the saxophone lamp...