Hormones make you do some bizarre things as a youngster. Your showers cause a significant increase in the household water bill and you start looking at girls in a way that seemed unthinkable in the past. And of course, there were the obvious TV characters that you instantly fell in love with. But when you realized everyone had a crush on them, you started blazing your own trail. These are the crushes you didn't tell anyone about because you figured they'd think you were crazy. Turns out, they probably had the exact same feelings. As a preface, most of this article only applies to those that were underage at the time. If you were an adult, legally this shouldn't make sense to you.

In a time period when everyone wanted to look like Kelly Kapowski, Daria flew under the radar as the emo girl you loved before you even knew emo was a thing. You wanted to make out with her, but then just hang out afterwards. Deep down you knew that she was way too cool for you. (Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)

Six - "Blossom"
What was it about adding a dumb nickname to a girl that made her even more attractive? Every time you walked by a Claire's Boutique in the mall you saw one of those ridiculous hats that reminded you of her. Plus there was that moment from the image above, which was saved on your mental hard drive for the rest of your high school life. (Photo courtesy of: NBC/Photofest)

Carmen Sandiego
It was hard to get a glimpse of Carmen Sandiego since she was always on the run, but once she tipped that ridiculous red hat and you got a glimpse of her face, you realized you were having some very confusing thoughts about an educational character teaching you geography. (Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)

Janice Litman - "Friends"
Janice may have been loud and annoying, but she had a bangin' body and was apparently ready to hook up whenever you wanted. By the way, Chandler was way more annoying than Janice so maybe he should've settled down on his judgmental looks when she tried to date him. (Photo courtesy of Warner Bros./Photofest)

Debra Barone - "Everybody Loves Raymond"
While Ray Romano was moping around and working through one of the most troubling Oedipus complexes you'll ever witness, he was neglecting a hot wife that was way out of his league. They always stuck her in turtlenecks and mom jeans, but those rare nightgown moments made watching TV with your parents incredibly uncomfortable in your mind. (Photo courtesy of CBS/Photofest)

Babs Bunny - "Tiny Toon Adventures"
The people at Tiny Toons knew exactly what they were doing to all the young boys when they were sketching up Babs Bunny. The only result was you having some strange feelings about a cartoon character and very unrealistic expectations of what you'd see on a trip to a petting zoo. (Photo courtesy of Warner Bros/Fox Broadcasting Company)

Hilary Banks - "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"
As much as the show tried to make her a vapid, mindless gold digger, it didn't make any difference whatsoever. She could have had an entire episode where she drew pentagrams on animals at the shelter and you'd just blame it on a bad reaction to medication.

Gadget - "Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers"
You just know there's some really creepy fan fiction and art out there with Gadget as the main focus. I refuse to Google it because I'm fairly certain my childhood memories will come crushing down like a dream world in "Inception. (Photo courtesy of Walt Disney/Buena Vista Television)

Jill Taylor - "Home Improvement"
All the girls were in love with Jonathan Taylor Thomas, all the men were in love with the Tool Time Girls, but you knew deep down the hottest one of all was Jill. She just seemed like she could cook you spaghetti then beat you in arm wrestling and something about that combination was completely intoxicating. (Photo courtesy of: ABC/Photofest)

Kimberly - "The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers"
This one was only a secret because you didn't want the rest of your family to know she was real reason you watched six hours of "Power Rangers" every day. She truly could have had her pick of any squeaky-voiced, acne-covered boy she wanted. (Photo courtesy of: Twentieth Century-Fox/Photofest)

Rachel Crawford - "Family Matters"
One look at that strong, single mom with a collection of ridiculous hats, who got up early every day to give Richie a perm and you were instantly in love. She left halfway through the last season because of the over the top Urkel storylines, so after that happened, what was the point? Way to go, Steve.

Nikki Coleman - "Saved by the Bell"
Before Kelly and Jessie came along, Zack had a different love interest almost every week. For some reason he completely ignored the side ponytail-sporting Nikki that was right under his nose the whole time. She was like Punky Brewster without the old, creepy caretaker.

Kimmy Gibbler - "Full House"
Kimmy was considered the annoying one, but have you met Joey, Jesse, Danny, Michelle, DJ, and Stephanie? Kimmy had that '90s hair that was always on point, plus she was already wearing make-up so she was definitely mature. I would watch every week and wonder why they got so mad when she came over to their house. You could've come over to my house whenever you wanted, Kimmy.