What started as a vulgar videobomb during a live report (which was later determined to be staged) has snowballed into a worldwide craze, and now no news station is safe from some jerk being interviewed abruptly yelling out, "F**k her right in the pussy."
The latest victim is Canadian News station CP24, who sent a sports reporter out to the streets to ask fans how they felt about Toronto Maple Leafs player Nazem Kadri getting benched for oversleeping and missing a team meeting. Unfortunately, they settled on this guy. After admitting to being late to his own job frequently (no surprise there), he dropped the bomb that is becoming more and more common on live local news.
Note to all other news stations out there: If you are going to do live interviews with the public, you may want to consider a 7-second delay. Otherwise, you're going to keep having reporters send it back to the studio saying, "Oh my goodness! That was awful."