Well, any chance he had at getting back together with her just got flushed down the toilet. Or scraped off her dresser.
According to WESH, a 27-year-old Apopka man is probably heading back to prison after he allegedly broke into his ex-girlfriend's house Friday morning and crapped on at least four different items.
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Police said Michael Anthony Johnson had been out of jail for only two days when he decided to violate a no contact order by breaking into his ex's Orange County house. Once inside, Johnson dropped a deuce on her bed sheets, a wallet, a dresser and a glass kitchen plate.
When police arrived, Johnson allegedly gave them a fake name, but the officer recognized him from an aggravated stalking charge at the same residence last year.
In January, Johnson was arrested for domestic battery and criminal mischief. That resulted in jail time and the no contact order he violated during his crapfest.
This time around, police charged Johnson with burglary of an occupied dwelling, criminal mischief, sanitary nuisance, providing false information to law enforcement, petty theft and aggravated stalking.
Hopefully, he'll also be forced to tell the court just how in the hell he was able to perch himself high enough in the air to poop on a dresser.
So, exactly how much broccoli did this guy eat? Foods That Make You Poop
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According to WESH, a 27-year-old Apopka man is probably heading back to prison after he allegedly broke into his ex-girlfriend's house Friday morning and crapped on at least four different items.

Police said Michael Anthony Johnson had been out of jail for only two days when he decided to violate a no contact order by breaking into his ex's Orange County house. Once inside, Johnson dropped a deuce on her bed sheets, a wallet, a dresser and a glass kitchen plate.
When police arrived, Johnson allegedly gave them a fake name, but the officer recognized him from an aggravated stalking charge at the same residence last year.
In January, Johnson was arrested for domestic battery and criminal mischief. That resulted in jail time and the no contact order he violated during his crapfest.
This time around, police charged Johnson with burglary of an occupied dwelling, criminal mischief, sanitary nuisance, providing false information to law enforcement, petty theft and aggravated stalking.
Hopefully, he'll also be forced to tell the court just how in the hell he was able to perch himself high enough in the air to poop on a dresser.
So, exactly how much broccoli did this guy eat? Foods That Make You Poop
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