Geez, hopefully this guy isn't a Scoutmaster.
According to the Daily Mail, a contestant's answer on Friday night's episode of "Jeopardy!" was so wrong on so many levels that it was briefly trending on Twitter.
Granted, considering that the correct question for this gem of a setup was, "What is puberty?" things were bound to get a little awkward. But thanks to Tom's guess, it will probably go down as the creepiest moment in the game show's history.
Wow, where does this guy go to hit on chicks, Hot Topic?
Tom's answer was so disturbing that he was trending on Twitter for a short while Friday night, and nobody summed it up better than this girl.
We don't know if Tom was able to bounce back from his embarrassing answer to win the game, but even if he did, odds are he won't be asked to give a speech at his hometown's middle school or chaperone the local high school prom anytime soon.
This answer was below the belt. Literally: 'Family Feud' Contestant's Answer For What She Would Change on Her Husband Embarrasses Everyone
According to the Daily Mail, a contestant's answer on Friday night's episode of "Jeopardy!" was so wrong on so many levels that it was briefly trending on Twitter.
Granted, considering that the correct question for this gem of a setup was, "What is puberty?" things were bound to get a little awkward. But thanks to Tom's guess, it will probably go down as the creepiest moment in the game show's history.
Wow, where does this guy go to hit on chicks, Hot Topic?
Tom's answer was so disturbing that he was trending on Twitter for a short while Friday night, and nobody summed it up better than this girl.
Hey dude on #Jeopardy that replied, "what is the age of consent" when the clue was "age 12 for females and 14 for males" you're a creep.
- Veronika L (@Veronika6981) April 4, 2015
We don't know if Tom was able to bounce back from his embarrassing answer to win the game, but even if he did, odds are he won't be asked to give a speech at his hometown's middle school or chaperone the local high school prom anytime soon.
This answer was below the belt. Literally: 'Family Feud' Contestant's Answer For What She Would Change on Her Husband Embarrasses Everyone