Just when you thought Steve-O couldn't possibly do anything more to shock you, he goes and attempts his stupidest feat yet and somehow lives to tell about it. And if putting a live black widow spider in your mouth after letting it crawl all over you wasn't crazy enough, he was actually trying to get it to bite him. Quite frankly, we wouldn't be surprised if the spider refrained from taking the bait for fear that whatever is running through the "Jackass" star's veins might be even more poisonous than venom.
We'd say Steve-O is going to get himself killed one of these days, but after what we just witnessed, that's obviously just not possible.
Can't get enough black widows in your life?: Check Out This Black Widow Fight A Scorpion And Hope You Never Run Into These
That time I put a Black Widow spider in my mouth.
Posted by Steve-O on Friday, September 11, 2015
We'd say Steve-O is going to get himself killed one of these days, but after what we just witnessed, that's obviously just not possible.
Can't get enough black widows in your life?: Check Out This Black Widow Fight A Scorpion And Hope You Never Run Into These