Odds are you missed last night's 76ers-Timberwolves game, and that's probably because the Philadelphia 76ers were playing the Minnesota Timberwolves.
But with the game tied at 91 late in the fourth quarter, the NBA Replay Center was summoned to take another look at a ball that went out of bounds. Cameras cut to the crew in Seacaucus, New Jersey, and let's just say they seemed to be about as thrilled about having to actually watch this game as the rest of the country:
"Here's the look at what they're looking at at the NBA Replay Center," and apparently the answer is the toga party scene from "Animal House."
Hey, it could have been worse, as the two scenes immediately following the toga party involve Otter taking down an inebriated Mrs. Faber and Pinto debating whether or not to go forward with the mayor's daughter, who's laying passed out and topless in his bed.
Or it could have been even worse than that, as they could have been asked to watch even more of the 76ers-Timberwolves game, which finished with Minnesota eking out a 100-95 victory.
Even the smart kids get busted doing naughty things: Here's The Harvard Band Spelling Out 'Penis' On The Football Field
But with the game tied at 91 late in the fourth quarter, the NBA Replay Center was summoned to take another look at a ball that went out of bounds. Cameras cut to the crew in Seacaucus, New Jersey, and let's just say they seemed to be about as thrilled about having to actually watch this game as the rest of the country:
Toga Party at #NBA replay center. #Twolves #Sixers #Belushi #animalhouse pic.twitter.com/2SNPVAFvRI
- Chris Gliedman (@allnullandvoid) November 24, 2015
"Here's the look at what they're looking at at the NBA Replay Center," and apparently the answer is the toga party scene from "Animal House."
Hey, it could have been worse, as the two scenes immediately following the toga party involve Otter taking down an inebriated Mrs. Faber and Pinto debating whether or not to go forward with the mayor's daughter, who's laying passed out and topless in his bed.
Or it could have been even worse than that, as they could have been asked to watch even more of the 76ers-Timberwolves game, which finished with Minnesota eking out a 100-95 victory.
Even the smart kids get busted doing naughty things: Here's The Harvard Band Spelling Out 'Penis' On The Football Field