A little less than a month ago, we told you of an upcoming calendar from model Abigail Ratchford which features her posing as Kim Kardashian among several other iconic women throughout history. We now have a little more information regarding said calendar we'd like to share with you. Coming in 2016, "Iconic" will feature 12 months of Abigail dressed as everyone from Kate Upton to Janet Jackson (with a little Eve from the Bible's own 'Adam and Eve' story for good measure). Now that we've toyed with you long enough, here are several shots from the calendar which Abigail has been kind enough to upload to her Instagram page. Let's see how many you recognize.
Just for kicks, here's one final post from Abigail's page featuring behind-the-scenes footage of her "American Beauty" shoot.
Related: These Sexy Abigail Ratchford Photos Are Our New Favorites