Haughey even added an important hashtag: #GOPdildo. Check out Haughey's tweet that kicked off everything:
My new project will be replacing any guns held by GOP candidates with a dildo. I'll do this until the election.
- Matt Haughey (@mathowie) December 5, 2015
Haughey's followers helped out by sending him pictures of Republicans holding guns like it's their first born, and all Haughey did was add a dildo. Check out some of his best creations below:
All eyes are on @BobbyJindal's glorious Pink Double Troublemaker #GOPdildo pic.twitter.com/1d7qvT1pje
- Matt Haughey (@mathowie) December 5, 2015
Keep your damn government hands off my Pink Dragon says @RandPaul #GOPdildo pic.twitter.com/XgxJNBFInm
- Matt Haughey (@mathowie) December 5, 2015
Mike Huckabee with his Leopard Wonder #GOPdildo pic.twitter.com/tFcSkfkMf1
- Matt Haughey (@mathowie) December 5, 2015
Donald Trump and Black Beast #GOPdildo pic.twitter.com/Gy0UexUUT5
- Matt Haughey (@mathowie) December 5, 2015
Mitch McConnell and his favorite Rosy Red wonder #GOPdildo pic.twitter.com/473ZoYnAhq
- Matt Haughey (@mathowie) December 5, 2015
Ok, fine, one last #GOPdildo for today on https://t.co/yj4XmJHoxs pic.twitter.com/kBpX9K2MRu
- Matt Haughey (@mathowie) December 6, 2015
It's ok, once you see @LindseyGrahamSC's Purple Regin you can't look away #GOPdildo pic.twitter.com/Q8so4mqhjz
- Matt Haughey (@mathowie) December 5, 2015
At a black tie event, you only show off your most prized possessions #GOPdildo pic.twitter.com/nxmEEzdxVS
- Matt Haughey (@mathowie) December 6, 2015
Welcome new followers! Over lunch someone sent me a good NRA meeting shot for #GOPdildo https://t.co/yj4XmJHoxs pic.twitter.com/MG5vu4Wzhp
- Matt Haughey (@mathowie) December 7, 2015
When @tedcruz faces tough questions from the press, he keeps Ol' Trusty Blue by his side #GOPdildo pic.twitter.com/gD04LSQJ27
- Matt Haughey (@mathowie) December 5, 2015
When @marcorubio pulls out Big Blue at a show, everyone notices #GOPdildo pic.twitter.com/b3VaMxXeAu
- Matt Haughey (@mathowie) December 5, 2015
Haughey even has a Tumblr where he posts even more Republicans with dildos. He's truly doing God's work.
h/t Distractify
And here's a bunch of dicks on a total dick: A Genius Made A Portrait Of Donald Trump Using 500 Dick Pics