There are worse ways to get canned. Probably. At least we're sure this college professor's friends are telling him such things to make him feel better about banging one of his students and recording it. But in all truth, he's just a complete moron. The story, which was submitted to DudeComedy.com, goes a little something like this:
"My little sister is a Sophomore in college. 2 weekends ago, one of her professors stopped showing up for class, after 3 days the rumors were he was on leave for inappropriate behavior. Its a small school and it wasn't long until everyone found out he filmed himself having sex in his classroom. It also turned out the girl in the video was one of his students. I know you guys always post crazy shit like this so I made my sister send me as many videos or pictures as she could get, i am sure there will be more coming out soon. [sic]"

The somewhat NSFW video below only contains about four seconds of the incident which cost the professor his job. Of course, there is at least one more floating around out there on the Interwebs. It's a little too raunchy to show you here, though. Happy hunting!
Related: Snapchat and Sex With Student Ruin Another Teacher's Career