The good news for this guy showing off his mad pogo stick game is that he won't have to wait long for an ambulance because there is one waiting for him less than 10 feet away.
The bad news is that even the paramedics inside might not be able to pull his balls back outside of his abdomen after this epic fail that took place during an intermission at a recent drift event:
We're not sure which was worse, taking the pogo stick to the nads or face-planting on the cement, but odds are the drift event doesn't have the same concussion protocol as the NFL, so he was probably able to hop right back up and drift like a champion the rest of the afternoon.
Pogo stick fail guy has nothing on wedding entrance fail guy: Groomsman's Epic Entrance Fail Damn Near Knocked Out Bridesmaid
The bad news is that even the paramedics inside might not be able to pull his balls back outside of his abdomen after this epic fail that took place during an intermission at a recent drift event:
We're not sure which was worse, taking the pogo stick to the nads or face-planting on the cement, but odds are the drift event doesn't have the same concussion protocol as the NFL, so he was probably able to hop right back up and drift like a champion the rest of the afternoon.
Pogo stick fail guy has nothing on wedding entrance fail guy: Groomsman's Epic Entrance Fail Damn Near Knocked Out Bridesmaid