We've all enjoyed an ice-cold can of Coca-Cola, but what many don't know is that the sprightly, spine-tingling beverage is also used for a number of disturbing projects. Besides a potential household cleaning agent, Coke makes a handy crime scene cleanup product, among other terrifying things you'll see in this list. I bet this will make you rethink your next can.
Getting Blood Out of Concrete
![The Terrifying List of 10 Things Coca Cola Is Used For That Will Make You Rethink Your Next Can]()
Every passed by a roadside tragedy? If you have, you may have noticed the police officer pulling a two-liter from his trunk, as Coke has been known to conveniently get the blood stains out of concrete. Nothing to see here, folks! Move along!
Rust Removal & Chrome Polisher
![The Terrifying List of 10 Things Coca Cola Is Used For That Will Make You Rethink Your Next Can]()
Whether your car is getting rusty or your wrench set needs a quick makeover, a bit of crumpled foil dipped in Coke can be used to lift and scratch off any rust, like steel wool from hell. If your organs are feeling a little rusty, that might work, too.
Jellyfish Stings
![The Terrifying List of 10 Things Coca Cola Is Used For That Will Make You Rethink Your Next Can]()
Known for pain relief, Coke can be used to treat a number of stingers from back pain to jellyfish stings. We still like the idea of peeing on people though, sting or otherwise.
Paint, Stain & Gum Removal
Carpet stains, unwanted paint or gum in the hair or on the bottom of your shoe, there's no limit to the capability of the acidity in the Coca Cola. Once it sets in and does its magic, you'll be stain and gum free in no time. You can also use it to clean countertops and your floors. Sounds disturbing, no? You're drinking a can right now, aren't you? Gosh, you're sick.
Pesticide & Insecticide
![The Terrifying List of 10 Things Coca Cola Is Used For That Will Make You Rethink Your Next Can]()
The Cokey acidity sprayed on works like a bug killer to keep pests and insects from taking over your garden. If you see your mother throwing soda at the cucumbers, it's okay. She's not completely batshit crazy...not yet anyway.
Toilet Bowl & Window Cleaner
Here's a nice thought: The same thing to clean the place where you shit stain your porcelain is the same thing you use to wash down a three-topping medium that will ironically make you shit stain your porcelain. Also, homeless people tired of shelling out dough for overpriced Windex might find this useful for their mid-traffic windshield wiping scams. Fun fact: It also defrosts windshields in winter.
Bolt Loosening
![The Terrifying List of 10 Things Coca Cola Is Used For That Will Make You Rethink Your Next Can]()
A Coke-soaked cloth covering a unwilling old bolt will do the trick, loosening its stubbornness with a bit of raw black magic and allowing you to pry its ungrateful edges into a counterclockwise ascent. If you like this bolt, you're an asshole as well.
Car Battery Corrosion Removal
![The Terrifying List of 10 Things Coca Cola Is Used For That Will Make You Rethink Your Next Can]()
Your mechanic screwed you again when he overcharged you for sticking his head under your hood and shaking his head "no" while dreaming of greased-up car girls? No problem, as Coke, when poured on, melts car battery corrosion that he forgot to clean off right away.
Nail Disappearing Act
![The Terrifying List of 10 Things Coca Cola Is Used For That Will Make You Rethink Your Next Can]()
Coca-Cola can be used to dissolve a nail. Yes, a nail. Coke contains phosphoric acid, and it's said that if you soak a nail in it for four days, the nail will dissolve. Yes, dissolve. Still thirsty for Coke? We sure as hell are!
Coca-Cola Delivery Truck Engine Cleaning
![The Terrifying List of 10 Things Coca Cola Is Used For That Will Make You Rethink Your Next Can]()
Quite possibly our favorite use for Coca-Cola in this terrifying list, and quite specific, Coke is ironically and conveniently used to clean the engines and remove oil stains of the trucks that deliver the Coke itself. Even the people at Coca-Cola know how mad this is!
Getting Blood Out of Concrete

Every passed by a roadside tragedy? If you have, you may have noticed the police officer pulling a two-liter from his trunk, as Coke has been known to conveniently get the blood stains out of concrete. Nothing to see here, folks! Move along!
Rust Removal & Chrome Polisher

Whether your car is getting rusty or your wrench set needs a quick makeover, a bit of crumpled foil dipped in Coke can be used to lift and scratch off any rust, like steel wool from hell. If your organs are feeling a little rusty, that might work, too.
Jellyfish Stings

Known for pain relief, Coke can be used to treat a number of stingers from back pain to jellyfish stings. We still like the idea of peeing on people though, sting or otherwise.
Paint, Stain & Gum Removal
Carpet stains, unwanted paint or gum in the hair or on the bottom of your shoe, there's no limit to the capability of the acidity in the Coca Cola. Once it sets in and does its magic, you'll be stain and gum free in no time. You can also use it to clean countertops and your floors. Sounds disturbing, no? You're drinking a can right now, aren't you? Gosh, you're sick.
Pesticide & Insecticide

The Cokey acidity sprayed on works like a bug killer to keep pests and insects from taking over your garden. If you see your mother throwing soda at the cucumbers, it's okay. She's not completely batshit crazy...not yet anyway.
Toilet Bowl & Window Cleaner
Here's a nice thought: The same thing to clean the place where you shit stain your porcelain is the same thing you use to wash down a three-topping medium that will ironically make you shit stain your porcelain. Also, homeless people tired of shelling out dough for overpriced Windex might find this useful for their mid-traffic windshield wiping scams. Fun fact: It also defrosts windshields in winter.
Bolt Loosening

A Coke-soaked cloth covering a unwilling old bolt will do the trick, loosening its stubbornness with a bit of raw black magic and allowing you to pry its ungrateful edges into a counterclockwise ascent. If you like this bolt, you're an asshole as well.
Car Battery Corrosion Removal

Your mechanic screwed you again when he overcharged you for sticking his head under your hood and shaking his head "no" while dreaming of greased-up car girls? No problem, as Coke, when poured on, melts car battery corrosion that he forgot to clean off right away.
Nail Disappearing Act

Coca-Cola can be used to dissolve a nail. Yes, a nail. Coke contains phosphoric acid, and it's said that if you soak a nail in it for four days, the nail will dissolve. Yes, dissolve. Still thirsty for Coke? We sure as hell are!
Coca-Cola Delivery Truck Engine Cleaning

Quite possibly our favorite use for Coca-Cola in this terrifying list, and quite specific, Coke is ironically and conveniently used to clean the engines and remove oil stains of the trucks that deliver the Coke itself. Even the people at Coca-Cola know how mad this is!