A lot of you are probably unaware that President Obama's final State of the Union address was last night, and since we don't know the first thing about politics we won't torture you by attempting a recap. Instead, we will show you a hilarious video done by the folks at Schmoyoho that perfectly recaps last night's address using nothing but a hot beat and some catchy lyrics.
Check out the video and be amused by politics for once:
Future presidents should sing all their speeches so they can entertain the only person that matters: me.
More of this, too, please: 'Bad Lip Reading' Takes On The First Democratic Debate And It's Hilarious
Check out the video and be amused by politics for once:
Future presidents should sing all their speeches so they can entertain the only person that matters: me.
More of this, too, please: 'Bad Lip Reading' Takes On The First Democratic Debate And It's Hilarious