"Hey, did you know that one year ago I---; Oh wait, you already Liked that moment."
Thanks to Facebook and its prevalence in many of our social lives, there's little reason to be surprised at your next high school reunion.
![This Is How Facebook Ruins High School Reunions]()
Pretty much, if you're Facebook friends with most of your former classmates, chances are your conversations IRL (in real life) are bound to be as predictable and hilarious as this YouTube clip below showcases so painfully well:
If you have a high school reunion coming up, don't say we didn't warn you.
Related: Predicting Life After High School: A Comprehensive Guide
Thanks to Facebook and its prevalence in many of our social lives, there's little reason to be surprised at your next high school reunion.

Pretty much, if you're Facebook friends with most of your former classmates, chances are your conversations IRL (in real life) are bound to be as predictable and hilarious as this YouTube clip below showcases so painfully well:
If you have a high school reunion coming up, don't say we didn't warn you.
Related: Predicting Life After High School: A Comprehensive Guide