It's cool to hate stuff (I would know because I hate loads of stuff), but there are some things that you find yourself hating simply because you feel you have to. And while most of them deserve your anger and total disgust, you sometimes have to admit that deep down might actually love the following things.
![Things You Claim You Hate But Secretly Love]()
Anyone who calls himself "Mr. Worldwide" deserves all the hate that's aimed at him, but you will quickly learn that if you fill your body with enough liquor you will actually love some of his 73 songs about booty and the weekend.
Michael Bay Movies
![Things You Claim You Hate But Secretly Love]()
I understand that Michael Bay is just a Ron Jon employee who has been pretending to be a Hollywood director for years now, all while reeling in as many hot "actresses" as possible to star in his movies. But while you may claim to hate all the garbage he releases, deep down you love turning off your brain for two unnecessary hours of pointless, loud fun that may or may not include a robot "peeing" on a guy.
![Things You Claim You Hate But Secretly Love]()
Yes, I get it. They are super overpriced and they have destroyed college girls by making them believe that pumpkin-spiced everything should be their number one priority. But Starbucks knows that you're still going to buy all the crap they come up with, so shut your mouth and keep sucking their highly caffeinated corporate teat.
When Your Ex Texts You
![Things You Claim You Hate But Secretly Love]()
You may tell all your close friends how annoying it is that the horrible woman who the character of "Gone Girl" was based off is reaching back out. But you quietly hold out hope that she will get back together with you because she's the only one who can relate to your sociopathic ways. #Truelove
Reality TV
![Things You Claim You Hate But Secretly Love]()
Listen, you love trash TV and you always will. Stop feeling inclined to bash it or to never let anyone know you love it. Embrace your horrible taste in television shows and get back to your "Teen Mom" marathon. Or at least make me feel alright with the fact that I like to watch trash on my tube.
![Things You Claim You Hate But Secretly Love]()
Speaking of trash, Walmart is always eager to showcase the lowest of society by reeling them in with low prices (always). But while your "I seriously hate Walmart" comment may echo throughout the retail giant, you can't get enough of their super low prices yourself. So stock up on Eggo waffles and admire all those lowly paid blue vest wearing folks.
That One Justin Bieber Song
![Things You Claim You Hate But Secretly Love]()
You're driving on a highway when suddenly you find yourself singing along to an infectious little tune. And then you realize you've been jamming away to everyone's least favorite Canadian and quickly proceeded to slam your head into the steering wheel. While it's pretty normal to despise Justin Bieber and his very punchable face, you will never reveal that you actually find one of his songs catchy.
![Things You Claim You Hate But Secretly Love]()
Talking nonsense about someone behind their back is a pretty shitty thing to do, but that's why you've accepted your future place in hell and you still do it anyway. You claim to hate gossip and try to avoid it, but you just need to hear about how Scott is cheating on his wife. Now you know that everyone named Scott is an asshole.
Award Shows
![Things You Claim You Hate But Secretly Love]()
No one likes to rush to their television to see a bunch of whiny, super rich folks throw themselves the most expensive party of the year (a party you're never invited to), but you feel it's your duty to watch every single award show for fear of not being included in the next day's water cooler talk. As much as you try to avoid all the hoopla like the guy above, you will always find yourself knee-deep in award show tweets, memes and roundups.
![Things You Claim You Hate But Secretly Love]()
As much as you want to convince yourself that you hate Facebook, you still love being reminded of birthdays of people you claim to like. You also have an affinity for stalking your childhood friends, and enjoy seeing just how many racist people you're connected with. So that's why we will never delete our account because it's hard to do that while Mark Zuckerberg has us bent over.

Anyone who calls himself "Mr. Worldwide" deserves all the hate that's aimed at him, but you will quickly learn that if you fill your body with enough liquor you will actually love some of his 73 songs about booty and the weekend.
Michael Bay Movies

I understand that Michael Bay is just a Ron Jon employee who has been pretending to be a Hollywood director for years now, all while reeling in as many hot "actresses" as possible to star in his movies. But while you may claim to hate all the garbage he releases, deep down you love turning off your brain for two unnecessary hours of pointless, loud fun that may or may not include a robot "peeing" on a guy.

Yes, I get it. They are super overpriced and they have destroyed college girls by making them believe that pumpkin-spiced everything should be their number one priority. But Starbucks knows that you're still going to buy all the crap they come up with, so shut your mouth and keep sucking their highly caffeinated corporate teat.
When Your Ex Texts You

You may tell all your close friends how annoying it is that the horrible woman who the character of "Gone Girl" was based off is reaching back out. But you quietly hold out hope that she will get back together with you because she's the only one who can relate to your sociopathic ways. #Truelove
Reality TV

Listen, you love trash TV and you always will. Stop feeling inclined to bash it or to never let anyone know you love it. Embrace your horrible taste in television shows and get back to your "Teen Mom" marathon. Or at least make me feel alright with the fact that I like to watch trash on my tube.

Speaking of trash, Walmart is always eager to showcase the lowest of society by reeling them in with low prices (always). But while your "I seriously hate Walmart" comment may echo throughout the retail giant, you can't get enough of their super low prices yourself. So stock up on Eggo waffles and admire all those lowly paid blue vest wearing folks.
That One Justin Bieber Song

You're driving on a highway when suddenly you find yourself singing along to an infectious little tune. And then you realize you've been jamming away to everyone's least favorite Canadian and quickly proceeded to slam your head into the steering wheel. While it's pretty normal to despise Justin Bieber and his very punchable face, you will never reveal that you actually find one of his songs catchy.

Talking nonsense about someone behind their back is a pretty shitty thing to do, but that's why you've accepted your future place in hell and you still do it anyway. You claim to hate gossip and try to avoid it, but you just need to hear about how Scott is cheating on his wife. Now you know that everyone named Scott is an asshole.
Award Shows

No one likes to rush to their television to see a bunch of whiny, super rich folks throw themselves the most expensive party of the year (a party you're never invited to), but you feel it's your duty to watch every single award show for fear of not being included in the next day's water cooler talk. As much as you try to avoid all the hoopla like the guy above, you will always find yourself knee-deep in award show tweets, memes and roundups.

As much as you want to convince yourself that you hate Facebook, you still love being reminded of birthdays of people you claim to like. You also have an affinity for stalking your childhood friends, and enjoy seeing just how many racist people you're connected with. So that's why we will never delete our account because it's hard to do that while Mark Zuckerberg has us bent over.